Automated Small Angle X-ray Scattering
Anton Paar SAXSpace
- SAXS is an excellent tool for determining the size, shape, internal structure, porosity, orientation and crystallinity of samples
- Simultaneous SAXS (Bio-SAXS) analysis
- Line Collimation can be switched to Point Collimation
- 1D CMOS (Mythen2)
- TCStage sample stage with Peltier control from -30°C to 150°C.
- Integrated temperature controlled (RT to 4°C) autosampler with 1 mm quartz FlowCell for high-throughput screening up to 192 liquid samples
- Wide range of manual stages available including:
- 1 mm quartz capillary (60 μL) for liquids
- μ-Cell (10 μL) for low volume liquids
- PasteCell for viscous and powder samples
- RotorCell for averaging microcrystalline domains
- TubeCell with flowthrough connections (disposable fluid pathway)
- TCS Capillary Holder for disposable capillaries
- SAXS provides a wide range of sample-type analysis and applications including:
- Colloidal dispersions such as nanocrystals, pigments and metals
- Surfactants such as detergents and food additives
- Emulsions such as food, drug carrier systems and personal care products
- Biological materials such as proteins, protein complexes, lipids and peptides
- Nano-composites such as nono-filled polymer composites, clays and carbon nano-tubes
- Polymers and fibres such as semi-crystalline material, polymer blends and synthetic fibres
- Liquid crystals such as those used in detergents, food and drug delivery systems and biological membranes