Bio-Inert High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Field-Flow Fractionation, Multi-angle Static Light Scattering, Dynamic Light Scattering and Refractive Index (Bio-HPLC-FFF-MALS-DLS-RI)

Agilent Technologies Bio-Inert HPLC and Wyatt Technology FFF-MALS-DLS-RI

 Bio-Inert HPLC

  • Agilent 1260 Infinity II Bio-Inert LC System using non-reactive materials
  • Room temperature or component refrigerated
  • Coupled to Wyatt FFF-MALS-DLS-RI
  • HPLC system includes:
    • Quaternary Pump (0.001 – 10 mL/min), max operating pressure 600 bar
    • Multisampler / Autosampler (vials and multi-well plates)
    • Bio-inert manual injector for larger injection volumes
    • Peltier-controlled column compartment
    • UV-VIS diode array detector
    • Fluorescence diode array detector
    • Fraction collector (glass vials / test tubes and 96-well, shallow and deep-well plates)


  • Field-Flow Fractionation, Multi-angle Static Light Scattering, Dynamic Light Scattering and Refractive Index Detection System
  • Size exclusion chromatography (SEC-MALS) available
  • Wyatt Technology Eclipse (FFF) with Dilution Control Module
  • Wyatt Technology DAWN (18-angle MALS and DLS)
  • Wyatt Technology Optilab (RI)
  • Eclipse Short Channel, 350 µM and 500 µM fixed heights
  • Eclipse Semi-preparative Channel, variable heights
  • Refrigerated detection system
  • Separation and characterization of macromolecules and nanoparticles from 1 to 1,000 nm in size
  • Macromolecule molecular weight determination
  • Multimeric state, shape, polydispersity