The “Template for Intervention Description and Replication” (TIDieR) is a widely used reporting guideline designed to help researchers report essential details about their interventions in clinical trials. TIDieR is comprised of 12 items including why, what, who provided, how, where, when/how much, tailoring, and modifications of the experimental and comparator interventions.
Our team is developing TIDieR-Children and Adolescents (TIDieR-C) to improve the transparency and quality of intervention reporting in paediatric trials. High-quality reporting is crucial to ensure trial interventions are reproducible and their findings can be translated into clinical practice.
TIDieR-C will incorporate Paediatric Considerations (PCs) – guidance specific to the unique elements of paediatric trials for each TIDieR item. Further, TIDieR-C will provide good reporting examples from paediatric trials illustrating the original TIDieR items and new PCs.
Through this initiative, we aim to support trialists in delivering comprehensive and transparent descriptions of their interventions, fostering better reproducibility and application of research findings in paediatric populations.
Updated November 2024
Logo designed by Matthew Prebeg