CFIT Annual Meeting
2020-2021 Annual Meeting
The CFIT Annual meeting took place on Wednesday February 10th, 2021 via Zoom and featured talks from Christine Bear, Lisa Strug and Felix Ratjen from the CFIT Program, and invited guest speakers François Vermeulen (UZ Leuven, Belgium), Adam Jaffe and Shafagh Waters (UNSW, Sydney Australia).
2019 Annual Meeting
Towards Precision Medicine: Progress in Cystic Fibrosis
A 1-day meeting to discuss the progress towards personalized Medicine in CF, including the use of resources such as CF patient-derived iPS cells to be made accessible by the Program to the CF research community, and other recent advances in the field.
The 2019 CFIT Annual Meeting took place on Wednesday November 13, 2019 at The Hospital for Sick Children, and featured a variety of interesting talks from experts in the CF field, including:
- Garry Cutting, Johns Hopkins University
- Lisa Strug, Hospital for Sick Children
- Eric Sorscher, Emory University
- Lindsey Plasschaert, Novartis
- Christine Bear, Hospital for Sick Children
- Liron Birimberg-Schwartz, Hospital for Sick Children
- Minh Thu Nguyen, McGill University