Li lab members

Dr. Yun Li leaning against a railing, smiling

Dr. Yun Li


Dr. Yun Li is a neurobiologist interested in understanding human brain development and diseases. She attended graduate school at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Her PhD work, conducted in the lab of Luis Parada, focused on using genetically engineered mouse models to study psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety, as well as neurodegeneration such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s diseases.

As a postdoctoral fellow, Yun worked in the lab of Rudolf Jaenisch at The Whitehead Institute and MIT. She used human pluripotent stem cells to create “disease-in-a-dish” models of human brain disorders such as Rett Syndrome and microcephaly. Her work also combined brain organoid with CRISPR genome editing, to create 3-dimensional models of human brain development and diseases.

Dr. Yun Li is currently a Scientist in the Development and Stem Cell Biology Program at The Hospital for Sick Children, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto. She is also a Medicine by Design Investigator, and received Young Investigator Award recognitions from the Stem Cell Network, Brain Canada, Epilepsy Canada, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, and Simons Foundation.

Li lab alumni

Graduate Student

  • Liona Vu (2019-2022), University of Toronto Molecular Genetics M.S. student, graduated April 2022. Currently at Sanofi.


  • Filomena Grosso (2018-2019), currently at Blue Rock Therapeutics.
  • Ivy Tsu (2018-2019), currently at Takeda.
  • Jeff Lam (2019-2021), currently at Blue Rock Therapeutics.
  • Alex Ng (2021-2022).

Undergraduate Students

  • Brook Green (2018), SSuRe summer student, currently PhD student at the University of Toronto.
  • Brendan Rooney (2018), SSuRe summer student, currently PhD student at Harvard University.
  • Chi Zhang (2018), Tsinghua-UofT exchange summer student, currently PhD student at the University of Toronto.
  • Joseph Lee (2018-2019), UofT undergraduate research student and volunteer, currently PhD student at the Kyoto University.
  • Avery Albert (2018-2019), UofT undergraduate research student.
  • Negin Imani Farahini (2019), SSuRe summer student, currently at NOTCH Therapeutics.
  • Xuhua Huang (2019), Zhejiang-UofT exchange summer student, currently medical student at Zhejiang University.
  • Clara Hick (2020), UofT undergraduate research student.
  • Yolanda Liu (2022), Amgen Scholar, UofT undergraduate research student.
  • Edward Chen (2022), SSuRe summer student, NSERC undergraduate student, currently graduate student at the University of Toronto.
  • Lucinda Zhu (2022-2023), SSuRe summer student, MGY480 research student, currently graduate student at the University of Toronto.
  • Derek Tea (2023-2024), MGY480 research student, SSuRe summer student, currently graduate student at the University of Toronto.
  • Juan Escorcia Dominguez (2023-2024), HMB496 research student, currently graduate student at the University of Toronto,
  • Ahmed Moselhi (2023-2024), HMB496 research student, SSuRe summer student, currently graduate student at ETH Zurich.

Rotation Students

  • Rachel Lee (2018 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Cowen lab.
  • Jade Chan (2018 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Huang lab.
  • Ellie Hogan (2019 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Ellis lab.
  • Ido Nofech-Mozes (2019 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Awadalla lab.
  • Amalia Coballero (2019 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Delgado-Olguin lab.
  • Vida Erfani (2019 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Ciruna lab.
  • Amos Lim (2019 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Protze lab.
  • Afnan Munshi (2020 Winter), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Egan lab.
  • Tommy Tang (2021 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Zhen lab.
  • Cameron Isaacs-Trepanier (2021 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Bader lab.
  • Maggie Yan (2021 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the van der kooy lab.
  • Esra Erkut (2021 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Scott lab.
  • Peter Lee (2021 Fall), MoGen rotation student, currently graduate student in the Liu lab.
  • Sophie Wigfall (2022 Winter), MoGen rotation student.
  • Jocelyn Nurtanto (2022 Fall), MoGen rotation student.
  • Emily Hoover (2022 Fall), MoGen rotation student.
  • Charmaine Lau (2022 Fall), MoGen rotation student.
  • Joshua Yang (2022 Fall), MoGen rotation student.
  • Aastha Gandhi (2023 Fall), MoGen rotation student.