To Request Biospecimens

Welcome to the biobank’s resource request section. If you are an investigator looking to access biobank resources, please follow the process outlined below:

Start by filling out the Inquiry Form to let us know about your interest and preliminary details of your request.

Once submitted, your inquiry will be reviewed by a biobank coordinator to ensure that it is feasible to fulfill your request. We will then send you a personalized link to complete the full Material Data Access Request form. Once completed, the biobank team will assemble a project review committee composed of five or more MDAC (Material Data Access Committee) members. Each project review committee will include a combination of subject matter experts, biobank site leads, and patient advocates. The committee will review your request form and study protocol to decide whether to approve your request. If approved, we will proceed with a material transfer agreement and arrange for the requested items to be sent to you.

If you have any questions during any part of this process, please feel free to reach out to a biobank team member for assistance at