We offer Becton Dickinson’s Rhapsody HT Xpress Multi-omics platform for combined single cell RNA-Seq and protein analysis in up to 40,000 single cells in a single experiment. In contrast to droplet-based methods, Rhapsody uses microwells rather than microfluidic channels. Thus, there are no channels to clog and no need to concentrate cells into very small volumes. Single cells settle into wells under gravity, which is ideal for capturing fragile cells with minimal stress.
Overview of the Rhapsody Platform
- It allows multi-plexing of up to 12 samples prior to cell capture to minimize batch effects and decrease library costs
- Achieves high cell capture efficiency with low multi-plet rates (<12%), and uses magnetic beads for efficient mRNA capture and cDNA amplification steps
- Provides automated cell counting, viability measurements and cell capture rates to provide quality control information prior to library preparation and sequencing
This link provides an FAQ document for more information to help you plan your experiment