Selected Publications

B. Stevens, M. Bueno, M. Barwick, M. Campbell-Yeo, C. Chambers, C. Estabrooks, R. Flynn, S. Gibbins, D. Harrison, W. Isaranuwatchai, S. LeMay, M. Noel, J. Stinson, A. Synnes, C. Victor, J. Yamada. (2024).The Implementation of Infant Pain Practice Change (ImPaC) Resource to improve infant procedural pain practices: A hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation study. Pain. DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003496.

B. Stevens, M. Ballantyne, M. Bueno, M. Campbell-Yeo, C. Estabrooks, S. Gibbins, D. Harrison, C. McNair, S. Riahi, J. Squires, A. Synnes, A. Taddio, C. Victor, J. Yamada. (2024). Cumulative Sucrose Exposure for Repeated Procedural Pain in Preterm Neonates and Neurodevelopment at 18-Months Corrected Age: A Prospective Observational Longitudinal Study. BMJ Open. DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2024-002604.

M. Bueno, M. Rao, P. Aujla, C. Victor, B. Stevens. (2024). A scoping review of the epidemiology and treatment of painful procedures in hospitalized neonates: What has changed in the past three decades? European Journal of Pain. DOI: 10.1002/ejp.2294. 

M. Bueno, M. Ballantyne, M. Campbell-Yeo, C. Estabrooks, S. Gibbins, D. Harrison, C. McNair, S. Riahi, J. Squires, A. Synnes, A. Taddio, C. Victor, J. Yamada, B. Stevens. (2023). The effectiveness of repeated sucrose for procedural pain in neonates in a longitudinal observational study. Frontiers in Pain Research. DOI: 10.3389/fpain.20230.1110502.

M. Bueno, J. Yamada, L. Candido, J. Hu, B. Stevens. (2023) Sucrose analgesia for venepuncture in neonates. Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD015221.

J. Yamada, M. Bueno, L. Santos, S. Haliburton, M. Campbell-Yeo, B. Stevens. (2023). Sucrose analgesia for heel-lance procedures in neonates. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 8(8). DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD014806.

M. Bueno, M. Ballantyne, M. Campbell-Yeo, C. Estabrooks, S. Gibbins, D. Harrison, C. McNair, S. Riahi, J. Squires, A. Synnes, A. Taddio, C. Victor, J. Yamada, B. Stevens. (2023). A longitudinal observational study on the epidemiology of painful procedures and sucrose administration in hospitalized preterm neonates. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain, 1-9. DOI:10.1002/pne2.12114.

E. Annan, TS. Ramukumba, B. Stevens (2023). Perspectives of nurses regarding pain assessment and management during routine infant vaccination in Ghana. Nursing Open, DOI: 10.1002/nop2.1772.

O.M. Kyololo, B. Stevens, J. Songok (2023). Photo-Elicitation technique: Utility and challenges in clinical research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(22). DOI:10.1177/16094069231165714.

C.M. Dale, I. Cioffi, C.B. Novak, F. Gorospe, L. Murphy, D. Chugh, J. Watt-Watson, B. Stevens. (2023). Continuing professional development needs in pain management for Canadian health care professionals: A cross sectional survey. Canadian Journal of Pain, 7(1). DOI:10.1080/24740527.2022.2150156.

E. Annan, TS. Ramukumba, B. Stevens (2023). Perspectives of nurses regarding pain assessment and management during routine infant vaccination in Ghana. Nursing Open, DOI: 10.1002/nop2.1772.

M. Campbell-Yeo, L. Carrier, B. Benoit, T. Kim, M. Bueno, M. Rao, S. Riahi, B. Stevens. Evaluation of the Premature Infant Pain Profile-Revised (PIPP-R) e-Learning Module: Immediate and Sustained Competency. (2022). Advances in Neonatal Care, 22(3):246-252. DOI: 10.1097.0000000000000922.

B. Stevens, M. Bueno, M. Rao, C. Almeida, A. Cote, L. Streitenberger, B. Fleming-Carroll, K. Breen-Reid. (2022). An Exploratory Case Study Investigating the Implementation of a Novel Knowledge Translation Strategy in a Pandemic: The Pandemic Practice Champion. Implementation Science Communications, 3(45). DOI: 10.1186/s43058.022.00294.2. 

C. M. Dale, I. Cioffi, L. Murphy, S. Langlois, R. Musa, B. Stevens.(2022) Ten-year mixed method evaluation of pre-licensure health student self-reported learning in an interfaculty pain curriculum. Pain Reports.7(5):e1030. DOI: 10.1097/PR9.00000000000001030.

M. Bueno, B. Stevens, M. Rao, S. Riahi, M. Campbell-Yeo, L. Carrier, B. Benoit. (2021). Implementation and Evaluation of the Premature Infant Pain Profile – Revised (PIPP-R) e-Learning Module for Assessing Pain in Infants. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 37(5):372-378. DOI: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000925. 

M. Campbell-Yeo, L. Carrier, B. Benoit, T. Kim, M. Bueno, M. Rao, S. Riahi, B.
. (2021). Evaluation of the Premature Infant Pain Profile-Revised (PIPP-R) e-Learning module: Immediate and Sustained Competency. Advances in Neonatal Care, Published online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000922. 

I. Cioffi, C. Dale, L. Murphy, S. Langlois, R. Musa, B. Stevens. (2021). Ten years of Interfaculty Pain Curriculum (IPC) at the University of Toronto: Impact on Student Learning. Pain Reports, 6(4):e974. DOI: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000974.

M. Bueno, B. Stevens, M. Rao, MA. Barwick, C. Chambers, M. Campbell-Yeo, C. Estabrooks, S. Gibbins, D. Harrison, W. Isaranuwatchai, S. Le May, M. Noel, J. Slotta, J. Stinson, A. Synnes, A. Willan, J. Yamada, S. Riahi, N. Gill, S-A. Li (2020). Usability, acceptability and feasibility of the Implementation of Pain Practice Change (ImPaC) Resource. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain. DOI: 10.1002/pne2.12027.

C. McNair, A. Taddio, L. Franck, M. McAllister, L. Burry, B. Stevens, V. Shah, N. Chirinian. (2020). Meta-synthesis of factors influencing parental participation in the provision of comfort measures in the NICU. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing. 49(3): 263-271. DOI: 10.1016/j.jogn.2020.02.007.

C. Graham, G. Chaves, R. Harrison, L. Gauthier, R. Nissim, C. Zimmermann, V. Chan, G. Rodin, B. Stevens, L. Gagliese. (2020). Healthcare professionals’ reports of cancer pain cues among older people with delirium: a qualitative-quantitative content analysis. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.01.021.

M. Bueno, B. Stevens, MA Barwick, S. Riahi. S-A Li, A. Lanese, A. Willan, A. Synnes, CA. Estabrooks, C. Chambers, D. Harrison, J. Yamada, J. Stinson, M. Campbell-Yeo, M. Noel, S. Gibbins, S. LeMay, W. Isaranuwatchai. (2020). A cluster randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the Implementation of Infant Pain Practice Change (ImPaC) Resource to improve pain practices in hospitalized infants: a study protocol. Trials. 21(1): 16. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-019-3782-9.

A. Tsimicalis, B. Stevens, W. Ungar, A. Castro, M. Greenberg, R. Barr. (2019). Shifting Priorities for the Survival of My Child: Managing Expenses, Increasing Debt and Tapping into Available Resources to Maintain the Financial Stability of the Family. Cancer Nursing. 43(2): 147-157. DOI: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000698.

O. M. Kyololo, B. Stevens, & Songok, J. (2019). Mothers’ Perceptions about Pain in Hospitalized Newborn Infants in Kenya.  Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 47:51-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2019.04.015.

C. von Baeyer, B. Stevens, K. Craig, A. Finley, C. Johnston, R. Grunau, C. Chambers, R. Pillai Riddell, J. Stinson, P. McGrath. (2019). Pain in Child Health from 2002 to 2015: The Early Years of an International Research Training Initiative. Canadian Journal of Pain. 3(1): 1-7. DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2018.1562844.

C. Lavin Venegas, M. Taljaard, J. Reszel, S. Dunn, I.D Graham, J. Harrold, C. Larocque, B. Nicholls, S. Nicholls, P. O’Flaherty, J. Squires, B. Stevens, M.J. Trépanier, D. Harrison. (2019). A parent–targeted and mediated video intervention to improve uptake of pain treatment for babies during newborn screening: A pilot randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 33(1): 74–81.

K. Schenk, L. Stoffel, R. Bürgin, B. Stevens, D. Bassler, S. Schulzke, M. Nelle, E. Cignacco. (2019). The influence of gestational age in the psychometric testing of the Bernese Pain Scale for Neonates. BMC Pediatrics, 19(1):20. DOI:10.1186/s12887-018-1380-8.

E. Olsson, A. Anderzén-Carlsson, S.M. Atladóttir, A. Axelin, M. Campbell-Yeo, M. Eriksson, G. Kristjánsdóttir, E. Peltonen, B. Stevens, B. Vederhus, R.D. Andersen. (2018). Cultural adaptation and harmonization of four Nordic translations of the revised Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP-R). BMC Pediatrics, 18(1): 349. DOI: 10.1186/s12887-018-1322-5.

P. Poulin, Y. Shergill, H. Romanow, J. Busse, C. Chambers, C. Cooper, P. Forgeron, A.O. Harper, M. Hudspith, A. Iorio, C. Lalloo, C. Ouellette, R. Robertson, S. Smeenk, B. Stevens, J. Stinson. (2018). Researching what matters to improve chronic pain care in Canada: A priority setting process to support patient-oriented research. The Canadian Journal of Pain, 2(1):191-204 DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2018.1433959.

L. Murphy + Multiple Authors including B. Stevens. (2018). Mapping of pain curricula across health professions programs at the University of Toronto. The Canadian Journal of Pain, 2(1):182-190. DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2018.1479841.

S-A. Li, L. Jeffs, M. Barwick, B. Stevens. (2018). Organizational contextual features that influence the implementation of evidence-based practices across healthcare settings: An integrative review. Systematic Reviews, 7(1): 72. DOI:10.1186/s13643-018-0734-5.

L.A. Jibb, B. Stevens, P.C. Nathan, E. Seto, J.A. Cafazzo, D.L. Johnston, V. Hum, J.N. Stinson. (2018). Perceptions of adolescents with cancer related to a real-time pain management smartphone app and its evaluation: a qualitative study nested within a multicenter pilot clinical study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6(4): e80. DOI:10.2196/mhealth.9319.

B. Stevens, J. Yamada, M. Campbell-Yeo, S. Gibbins, D. Harrison, K. Dionne, A. Taddio, C. McNair, A. Willan, M. Ballantyne, K. Widger, S. Sidani, C. Estabrooks, A. Synnes, J. Squires, C. Victor, S. Riahi. (2018). The minimally effective dose of sucrose for procedural pain relief in neonates: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 18(1):85. DOI:10.1186/s12887-018-1026-x.

S. Hassan, H. Sidrak, B. Stevens, J. Watt-Watson, S. Switzer-McIntyre, J. Babineau, A. Furlan. (2018). Clinicians’ knowledge in chronic pain: A systematic search and critical review of existing questionnaires. Journal of Pain Management 11(2): 99-112.

A. Tsimicalis, L. Genest, B. Stevens, W.J. Ungar, R. Barr. (2017). The impact of a childhood cancer diagnosis on the children and siblings’ school attendance, performance and activities: a qualitative descriptive study. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 35(2): 118-131. DOI: 10.1177/1043454217741875

G. Walco, E. Kopecky, S. Weisman, J. Stinson, B. Stevens, P. Desjardins, C. Berde, E. Krane, K. Anand, M. Yaster, C. Dampier, R. Dworkin, I. Gilron, A. Lynn, L. Maxwell, S. Raja, B. Schachtel, D. Turk. (2017). Clinical trial designs and models for analgesic medications for acute pain in neonates, infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents: ACTTION recommendations. Pain, 159(2): 193-205. DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001104

M. Hoben, J.A. Knopp-Sihota, M. Nesari, S.A. Chamberlain, J.E. Squires, P.G. Norton, G.G. Cummings, B. Stevens, C.A. Estabrooks. (2017). Health of health care workers in Canadian nursing homes and pediatric hospitals: a cross-sectional study. Canadian Medical Association Journal Open, 5(4): E791-E799. DOI: 10.9778/cmajo.20170080

L. Jibb, J. Cafazzo, P. Nathan, E. Seto, B. Stevens, C. Nguyen, J. Stinson. (2017). Development of a mHealth real-time pain self-management app for adolescents with cancer: an iterative usability testing study. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 34(4). DOI: 10.1177/1043454217697022

L. Jibb, B. Stevens, P. Nathan, E. Seto, J. Cafazzo, D. Johnston, V. Hum, J. Stinson. (2017). Implementation and preliminary effectiveness of a real-time pain management smartphone app for adolescents with cancer: A multicenter pilot clinical study.  Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 64(10):e26554. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.26554

E. Cignacco, K. Schenk, B. Stevens, L. Stoffel, D. Bassler, S. Schulzke, M. Nelle. (2017). Individual contextual factors in the validation of the Bernese Pain Scale for Neonates: protocol for a prospective observational study. BMC Pediatrics, 17(1): 171. DOI: 10.1186/s12887-017-0914-9

J. Yamada, J. Squires, C. Estabrooks, C. Victor, B. Stevens, CIHR Team in Children’s Pain. (2017). The role of organizational context in moderating the effect of research use on pain outcomes in hospitalized children: a cross sectional study. BMC Health Services Research 17(1): 68. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2029-2

K. Mah, R. Rodin, V. Chan, B. Stevens, C. Zimmermann, L. Gagliese. (2017). Health care workers’ judgments about pain in older palliative care patients with and without delirium. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 34(10): 958-965. DOI: 10.1177/1049909116672641

K. Sears, L. O’Brien-Pallas, B. Stevens, G. Murphy. (2016). The relationship between nursing experience and education and the occurrence of reported pediatric medication administration errors. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 31(4): e283-90.

D. Harrison. C. Larocque, M. Bueno, Y. Stokes, L. Turner, B. Hutton, B. Stevens. (2016). Sweet solutions to reduce procedural pain in neonates: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics 139(1).

B. Stevens, J. Yamada, S. Promislow, M. Barwick, M. Pinard, on behalf of CIHR Team in Children’s Pain. (2016). Pain assessment and management after a knowledge translation booster Intervention. Pediatrics 138(4).

B. Stevens, J. Yamada, A. Ohlsson, S. Haliburton, A. Shorkey. (2016). Sucrose for analgesia in newborn infants undergoing painful procedures. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 7. Art. No.: CD001069. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001069.pub5.

S. Mahl, S.K. Lee, R. Baker, C. Cronin, B. Stevens, X. Ye, on behalf of the CIHR Team in Maternal Infant Care. (2015). The association of organizational culture and quality improvement implementation with neonatal outcomes in the NICU. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, Sep – Oct; 29(5): 435-41.

K. Herr, B. St. Marie, D. Gordon, J. Paice, J. Watt-Watson, B. Stevens, D. Bakerjian, H. Young (2015).  An interprofessional consensus of core competencies for prelicensure education in pain management: Curriculum application for Nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, Jun; 54(6): 317-27.

S. Gibbins, B. Stevens, K. Dionne, J. Yamada, R. Pillai Riddell, P. McGrath et al. (2015). Perceptions of health professionals on pain in Extremely Low Gestational Age (ELGA) infants: Complexities of pain assessment and management.  Qualitative Health Research, June; 25(6): 763-74.

J. Yamada, A. Shorkey, M. Barwick, K. Widger, B. Stevens. (2015). The effectiveness of knowledge translation and toolkits for integrating evidence into clinical care: A Systematic Review, BMJ Open, April 13;5(4): e006808 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006808.

J.P. Hunter, J. Stinson, F. Campbell, B. Stevens, S.J. Wagner, B. Simmons, M. White, M. van Wyk. (2015). A novel pain interprofessional education strategy for trainees: Assessing impact on interprofessional competencies and pediatric pain knowledge. Pain Research and Management, Jan – Feb; 20(1); e12-20.

M. McGillion, C. Victor, S. Carroll, K. Metcalfe, S. O’Keefe-McCarthy, N. Jamal, H. Arthur, R. McKelvine, M. Jolicoeur, J. Hanlon, J. Stone, J. Niznick, R. Beanlands, N. Svorkdal, P. Coyte, B. Stevens, D. Stacey. (2015). The CREATE method for expressing continuous outcome data in absolute terms for use in patient treatment decision aids: A validation study. Medical Decision Making, 35(8), 959-66.

L. Jibb, P. Nathan, B. Stevens, E. Seto, J. Cafazzo, N. Stevens, et al. (2015). Psychological and physical interventions for the management of cancer-related pain in pediatric and young adult patients: An integrative review. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(6), E339 – E357.

L. Gagliese, R. Rodin, V. Chan, B. Stevens, C. Zimmermann. (2015). How do healthcare workers judge pain in older palliative care patients with delirium near the end of life? Palliative and Supporting Care, 14(2), 151-8. DOI:10.1017/S1478951515000929.

R. Pillai Riddell, N. R. Racine, K. Turcotte, L. Uman, R. Horton, S. Ahola Kohut, J. Hillgrove Stuart, B. Stevens, D. A. Lisi. (2015). Non-pharmacological management of infant and young child procedural pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015 Dec 2; (12): CD006275.

B. Stevens, E.S. Donkor, B.Q. Goka, I. Odame, M. Langins, S. Riahi, S. de Young, D. Walters, C. Eliason, B. Fleming-Carroll, G. Barnes, F.V. Ekey, P. Hubley, F. Nyanteh, E. Mensah, I. Sackey. (2014) Impact and sustainability of an accredited paediatric nursing training programme in Ghana. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 4(12), 142-154.

C. von Baeyer, B. Stevens, C. Chambers et al., (2014) Training highly qualified health research personnel: The Pain in Child Health Consortium. Pain Research and Management, 19(5), 267-274

B. Stevens, J. Yamada, S. Promislow, J. Stinson, D. Harrison and The CIHR Team in Children’s Pain. (2014). Implementation of multidimensional knowledge translation strategies to improve procedural pain in hospitalized children. Implementation Science, 9, 120.

O. M. Kyololo, B. Stevens, D. Gastaldo. P. Gisore. (2014). Procedural pain in neonatal units in Kenya. Archives of Disease in Childhood. DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2014-306003.

M. McGillion, S.L. Carroll, K. Metcalfe, H.M. Arthur, J.C. Victor, R. McKelvie, E.M. Jolicoeur, J. Stone, N. Svorkdal, P. Coyte, B. Stevens, D. Stacey. (2014). Development of a patient decision aid for people with refractory angina: Protocol for a three-phase pilot study. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 12(11), 93. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-12-93.

S. Gibbins, B. Stevens, J. Yamada, K. Dionne, M. Campbell-Yeo, K. Caddell, C. Johnston, A. Taddio. (2014). Validation of the Premature Infant Pain Profile-Revised (PIPP-R). Early Human Development, 90(4), 189-93. DOI: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2014.01.005. Epub 2014 Feb 1.

J.N. Stinson, L.A. Jibb, C. Lalloo, B.M. Feldman, P.J. McGrath, G.C. Petroz, D. Streiner, A. Dupuis, N. Gill, B. Stevens. (2014). Comparison of average weekly pain using recalled paper and momentary assessment electronic diary reports in children with arthritis. Clinical Journal of Pain. 2014 Feb 27. [Epub ahead of print]

J. Yamada, B. Stevens, J. Watt-Watson, S. Sidani. (2014). Test of a process evaluation checklist to improve neonatal pain practices. Western Journal of Nursing Research. Epub ahead of print. Feb 27; 37(5), 581-598.

L. A. Jibb, J.N. Stinson, B. Stevens, P. Nathan, E. Seto. J.A. Cafazzo. A smartphone-based pain management app for adolescents with cancer: establishing system requirements and a pain care algorithm based on literature review, interviews, and consensus. Journal of Medical Internet Research Research Protocols, 2014 Mar 19;3(1):e15. doi: 10.2196/resprot.3041.

G. Lee, J. Yamada, O. Kyololo, A. Shorkey, B. Stevens. (2014). Pediatric clinical practice guidelines for acute procedural pain: a systematic review. Pediatrics, 133(3):500-15. doi:  10.1542/peds.2014.4-digit number.

B. Stevens, S. Gibbins, J. Yamada, K. Dionne, G. Lee, C. Johnston, A. Taddio. (2014). The premature infant pain profile-revised (PIPP-R): initial validation and feasibility. Clinical Journal of Pain, 30(3), 238-243. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0b013e3182906aed.

B. Stevens, J. Yamada, C. Estabrooks, J. Stinson, F. Campbell, S.D. Scott, G. Cummings and CIHR Team in Children’s Pain. (2013). Pain in hospitalized children: Effect of a multidimensional knowledge translation strategy on pain process and clinical outcomes. Pain. 155(1):60-68.

P. Forgeron, J. Evans, P.J. McGrath, B. Stevens, G.A. Finley. (2013). Living with difference: Exploring the social self of adolescents with chronic pain. Pain Research & Management, 18(6), e115-e123.

J. Squires, C. Estabrooks, S. Scott, G. Cummings, L. Hayduk, S.H. Kang, B. Stevens. (2013). The influence of organizational context on the use of research in Canadian pediatric hospitals. BMC – Health Services Research,13(1):351 DOI:10.1186/1472-6963-13-351:URL:

J. Rashotte, G. Coburn, D. Harrison, B. Stevens, J. Yamada, L. Abbott & CIHR Team in Children’s Pain. (2013). Healthcare professionals’ pain narratives in hospitalized childrens medical records. Part 1: Pain descriptors. Pain Research & Management, 18(5), e75-e83 SA. Awarded Pulsus Pain Research & Management Paper of the Year 2014

J. Rashotte, G. Coburn, D. Harrison, J. Yamada, B. Stevens, & CIHR Team in Children’s Pain. (2013). Healthcare professionals’ pain narratives in hospitalized childrens medical records. Part 2: Structure and Content. Pain Research & Management, 18(5), e84-e93 SA. Awarded Pulsus Pain Research & Management Paper of the Year 2014

M. Ballantyne, B. Stevens, A. Guttman, A.R. Willan, P. Rosenbaum. (2014). Maternal and infant predictors of attendance at neonatal follow-up programmes. Child Care, Health and Development, 40(2), 250-8. doi: 10.1111/cch.12015

R. Pillai Riddell, D. B. Flora, S.A. Stevens, B. Stevens, L.L. Cohen, S. Greenberg, H. Garfield. (2013). Variability in infant acute pain responding meaningfully obscured by averaging pain responses. Pain, 154(5), 714-721.

M. Bueno, J. Yamada, D. Harrison, S. Khan, A. Ohlsson, T. Adams-Webber, J. Beyenne, B. Stevens. (2013). A systematic review and meta-analyses of non sucrose sweet solutions for pain relief in neonates. Pain Research and Management, 18(3), 153-161.

S. Fishman + multiple authors including B. Stevens. (2013). Core competencies for pain management: Results of an interprofessional consensus summit. Pain Medicine, 14(7), 971-981.

A. Tsimicalis, B. Stevens, W. Ungar, M. Greenberg, P. McKeever, M. Agha, R. Moineddin, D. Guerriere, R. Barr, A. Naqvi. (2013). Determining the costs of families’ support networks following a child’s cancer diagnosis. Cancer Nursing: An International Journal for Cancer Care. 36(2), E8-E19.

B. Stevens, J. Yamada, G.Y. Lee, A. Ohlsson. (2013). Sucrose for analgesia in newborn infants undergoing painful procedures. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 1. Art. No.: CD001069. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001069.pub3.