Each of us releases 100 billion platelets into our bloodstream every day. These tiny disk-shaped cells, only about 3 microns across, play vital roles as they patrol blood vessels for signs of injury. When they detect a breach they adhere, aggregate and activate formation of a clot that seals the wound and limits blood loss. Thus individuals lacking platelets or having dysfunctional cells experience abnormal bleeding. In addition to their key role in blood clotting, platelets are also involved in inflammation, immunity and wound healing, and in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and pathological clots (i.e. thrombi) that trigger heart attacks and strokes. The many roles of platelets in health and disease are linked to their unique ability to store and release a wide range of biomolecules. These include a wide gamut of proteins stored within and released from secretory α‑granules, and studies of the development and function of these granules is a major focus of my research group.


High resolution laser fluorescence microscopy of a human platelet shows actin near the cell membrane and the internal calcium store system that surrounds abundant protein-carrying alpha granules.

Platelets are produced by megakaryocytes, cells that develop within the bone marrow until they reach enormous sizes of up to 100 microns across. At that point they generate extensions that protrude into blood vessels and shed platelets into circulation by the thousands. We study megakaryocyte development in a variety of different ways using cells derived from humans and mice. This allows us to monitor gene expression, protein localization and trafficking, as well as the development of alpha granules, using advanced methods such as high-resolution fluorescence and electron microscopy. The ability to manipulate megakaryocytes in vitro has allowed us to study their development in detail, and examine aspects such as the trafficking of proteins destined for alpha granules, some of which are synthesized by megakaryocytes, while others are taken up from the bloodstream.

Image of a cultured megakaryocyte (left, outer membrane in green) in the final stage of development when long extensions give rise to smaller anucleate bodies (right) that become platelets in vivo.

Much of the recent progress that has been made in understanding platelet production, structure and function has come from studies of hereditary conditions where one or more of these aspects are affected. Patients with arthrogryposis, renal dysfunction and cholestasis (ARC) syndrome have platelets that lack α-granules. In a series of studies we identified that the root cause of this defect is loss of one of two proteins: VPS33B and VPS16B, which we showed using yeast two-hybrid screens and mass spectrometry form a functional protein complex. Ongoing studies are extending this work in several directions, including determining the structure of the functional VPS33B/VPS16B complex. This work recently culminated in the discovery that the VPS33B/VPS16B complex represents the first bidirectional SEC/MUNC complex with the potential to bind up to 4 SNAREs simultaneously (see Liu et al. J Biol Chem 2023 Jun;299(6):104718).

In another project we used classical genetics and platelet mRNA expression analysis to reveal the cause of gray platelet syndrome (GPS), where patients have platelets containing some alpha granule components, but normal granules fail to form. We found that GPS is caused by loss of function of NBEAL2 (neurobeachin-like 2), a large protein with several potential functional domains about which little is known. We have explored NBEAL2 function using Nbeal2-knockout mice that recapitulate many aspects of GPS pathology. These studies have allowed us to observe that loss of NBEAL2 function leads to impaired megakaryocyte development and affects their ability to package and retain protein cargo into alpha granules. Current studies are focused on elucidating the cellular mechanisms whereby NBEAL2 facilitates maturation and stability of alpha granules.

A recent example where the expertise of my group and our collaboration with others proved highly productive involved solving a mystery concerning a patient with a puzzling set of symptoms involving platelets and the immune system. We discovered the root of these problems was loss of expression of ARPC1B, a component of the Arp2/3 complex that generates branched actin filaments in blood cells. This work received considerable media interest and was recognized by the inaugural Janet Rossant Research innovation Prize, and it has stimulated further exploration of ARPC1B deficiency by us and others. A novel technical aspect of this project was the generation of gene knockout human megakaryocyte precursor (imMKCL) cells using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, which were used to model megakaryocyte development in the absence of ARPC1B function.

Fluorescence (left) and scanning EM (right) imaging of normal platelets spreading on fibrinogen (top) and platelets from a patient lacking ARPC1B (bottom) show a striking difference in the ability of the deficient cells to spread and form adherent lamellipodia via actin filament branching.



Discovery of the genetic basis of Gray Platelet Syndrome. Preview

Identification of VPS16B, binding partner of VPS33B, as essential for alpha granule biogenesis. Read the paper. Accompanying editorial. 

Establishment of the Nbeal2 knockout mouse model of GPS – insights into its role in platelet development. Read the paper. Accompanying editorial.


Selected recent highlights


Nature Genetics 47,535–538 (2015): Germline mutations in ETV6 are associated with thrombocytopenia, red cell macrocytosis and predisposition to lymphoblastic leukemia.


FlnA binding to PACSIN2 F-BAR domain regulates membrane tubulation in megakaryocytes and platelets. Accompanying editorial.


 Inside Blood Editorial: Platelet Production – New Players in the Field


Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Jun;36(6):1164-73 (2016): Intracellular Trafficking, Localization and Mobilization of Platelet-Borne Thiol IsomerasesEditor’s choice free access. Accompanying editorial.


Blood Jun 9;127(23):2791-803 (2016) Plenary paper: A high-throughput sequencing test for diagnosing inherited bleeding, thrombotic, and platelet disordersAccompanying editorial.


Nature Communications 2017 April 3;8:4816: Loss of the Arp2/3 complex component ARPC1B causes platelet abnormalities and predisposes to inflammatory disease.

News Coverage: SickKidsCanadian Press CBC: Website  Lead Story, The National April 3, 2017


Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology https://doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.118.311270 NBEAL2 (Neurobeachin-Like 2) Is Required for Retention of Cargo Proteins by α-Granules During Their Production by Megakaryocytes

Editorial: https://doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.118.311614 Unlocking the Molecular Secrete(s) of α-Granule Biogenesis


Blood 2020 Aug 6;136(6):715-725. doi: 10.1182/blood.2019004276 The endoplasmic reticulum protein SEC22B interacts with NBEAL2 and is required for megakaryocyte α-granule biogenesis


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