Xi Huang Lab


calligraphy by Daming Huang

We do curiosity-driven and serendipitous science to

decode mechano-electrical-chemical signaling in cancer


We study physical properties and mechano-electrical-chemical signaling in cancer. While extensive research has informed genetics and biochemical mechanisms in tumorigenesis, how mechanical and electrical signaling regulate cancer is less defined. Ion channels govern cell behaviors by perceiving physicochemical cues (mechanical force, membrane voltage, temperature, pH etc.) to control ion flux across membranes. We ask the following questions:


  • At the systemic level, what are the mutational landscape and functional alterations of ion channels in cancer?
  • At the tissue level, how do ion channels regulate tumor initiation, progression, metastasis, and drug resistance in genetically tractable animal models? 
  • At the cellular level, how do ion channels perceive physicochemical cues to control cancer cell state?
  • At the molecular level, how do different ion channels form a functional network to regulate cancer cell behaviors?
  • Can we use ion channel-targeting drugs to treat cancer?


Using multi-disciplinary approaches in bioinformatics, Drosophila and mouse genetics, xenograft modeling, advanced imaging, electrophysiology, and bioengineering, we discover disease mechanisms and therapeutic vulnerabilities at the interface of cancer biology, neuroscience, and mechanobiology.


Richard Feynmann — Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible

Funding partners

Sickkids Foundation
Garron Family Cancer Centre
Click here to visit the Brain Tumour Research Centre website
Click here to visit the Canadian Institutes of Health Research website
Click here to visit the NSERC website
Click here to visit the Canadian Cancer Society website
Click here to visit the American Brain Tumour Association website
Click here to visit the Cancer Research Society website
Click here to visit the Concern Foundation website
Click here to visit the Meagan's walk website
Click here to visit the Brainchild website
Click here to visit the RDMM network website
Click here to visit the University of Toronto website
Click here to visit the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research website
Click here to visit the US Department of Defence website
Click here to visit the Canada Research Chair website
Click here to visit the Sontag Foundation website


Xi Huang, PhD

Canada Research Chair in Cancer Biophysics

Senior Scientist – Developmental & Stem Cell Biology Program, The Hospital for Sick Children

Senior Scientist – Arthur & Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children

Associate Professor – Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto

Nalma Uy

Administrative Assistant to Dr. Xi Huang

Graduate student Zaleena AkheralieZaleena Akheralie, B.Sc.

PhD Student

Department of Molecular Genetics



B.Sc. – Specialist in Molecular Biology and minor in Chemistry, University of Toronto

  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2025-2026)
  • Henry and Berenice Kaufmann Foundation Trainee Award in Brain Cancer Research, Brain Canada Foundation (2024)
  • Collaborative Specialization in Developmental Biology Graduate Student Grant Proposal Award, University of Toronto (2024)
  • Restracomp Scholarship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2024)
  • Research Training Centre (RTC) Travel Award, The Hospital for Sick Children (2023-2024)

Shahrzad Bahrampour, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow



PhD – Medical Science, Linköping University

  • Powered by Pablove Research Grant, Pablove Foundation (2023)
  • Travel Award, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children (2023)
  • Best Presentation Award, Garron Family Cancer Centre Cancer Research Day, The Hospital for Sick Children (2023)
  • Restracomp Fellowship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2022-2024)
  • International Postdoc Grant, Swedish Research Council (2018-2022)
  • Best Poster Presentation Prize, Canadian Drosophila Research Conference (2019)
Jade Chan, B.Sc.

PhD Student
Department of Molecular Genetics
Co-supervised by Dr. C.C. Hui


B.Sc. – Co-operative Program, Major: Honours Psychology, Minor: Biology, University of Waterloo

  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2023-2024)
  • School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Conference Grant, University of Toronto (2023)
  • Restracomp Scholarship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2020-2024)
Postdoctoral Fellow Julia Carrillo GarcíaJulia Carrillo-Garcia, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow


PhD – Biomedicine, Pompeu Fabra University

  • Restracomp Fellowship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2023-2025)
Anders Erickson, B.Sc.

MD/PhD Student
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology

Co-supervised by Dr. Michael D. Taylor


B.Sc. – Major: Biochemistry, Minor: Pharmacology, McGill University

GDipHR – Graduate Diploma in Health Research, University of Toronto
  • Mr. Robert and Ms. Francine Ruggles Innovation Award (2023-2024)
  • Canada Graduate Scholarship in Honour of Nelson Mandela (2023-2025)
  • Restracomp Scholarship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2023-2025)
  • 1st Prize Oral Presentation, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Research Conference, University of Toronto (2023)
  • MD Program Research Conference Bursary (2022)
  • R.O. Torrance Bursary (2021 & 2022)
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2021-2022)
  • 1st Prize McMurrich E-Poster Competition, Department of Surgery “Gallie Day”, University of Toronto (2021)
Nicolaes Min, B.Sc.

PhD Student
Department of Molecular Genetics


B.Sc. – Specialization in Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto

  • School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Conference Grant, University of Toronto (2023)
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2021-2022)
  • Restracomp Fellowship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2022)
Qi Yang, MD

Postdoctoral Fellow


MD – Neurosurgery, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University

Robert Du Yang Zhang

B.Sc. Student

Immunology and Cell & Molecular Biology

University of Toronto


NameTrainee StatusAchievementsCurrent Position
Namal AbeysundaraPostdoctoral Fellow (2018-2024)• Exceptional Trainee Award, The Hospital for Sick Children (2023)
• Restracomp Fellowship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2022-2023)
• Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research Postdoctoral Fellow Grant (2019-2021)
Deekshitha JettaPostdoctoral Fellow (2022-2023)Research Scientist, Apollo Hospitals
Ali MominPhD student (2017-2023)• Restracomp Fellowship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2021-2023)
• Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2021-2022)
• Garron Family Cancer Centre Trainee Travel Award (2021)
• Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2020-2021)
• School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant, University of Toronto (2019)
Consultant, Boston Consulting Group
Xian WangPostdoctoral Fellow (2020-2023)• Inspiration Award, Hopper-Belmont Foundation (2021)
• Dunn with Cancer Research Fellowship, Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada (2021-2023)
• Lap-Chee Tsui Fellowship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2021-2023)
Assistant Professor, Queen's University
Xin ChenPostdoctoral Fellow (2015-2022)• Winner of Abstract Competition, Cancer Neuroscience Meeting, MD Anderson Cancer Center (2022)
• Garron Family Cancer Centre Travel Award (2022)
• Restracomp Fellowship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2019-2021)
• Best Paper Award Honorable Mention, Toronto Chapter of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (2018)
Principal Investigator, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Jerry FanPhD Student (2015-2022)• Garron Family Cancer Centre Travel Award (2022)
• Restracomp Scholarship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2018-2020)
• American Brain Tumor Association Stipend (2018)
• Garron Family Cancer Centre Travel Award (2018)
Scientist, Precision Molecular Oncology, Bayer
Weifan DongPhD Student (2015-2022)• CAN-CIHR-INMHA Brain Star Award, Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN) and Canadian Institutes of Health’s Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (CIHR-INMHA) (2023)
• Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) Publication Award (2023)
• Garron Family Cancer Centre Travel Award (2022)
• Best Poster Award, Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Retreat, The Hospital for Sick Children (2017)
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Kamilia TalipovaResearch Technician (2021-2022)Graduate Student, University of Toronto
Siyi WanggouPostdoctoral Fellow (2020-2021)Neurosurgeon, Associate Professor, Xiangya Hospital
Rochelle McAdamPhD Student (2015-2020)• Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2019-2020)
• Dalton Whitebread Scholarship (2017-2018)
• Restracomp Scholarship, The Hospital for Sick Children (2017-2020)
• American Brain Tumor Association Stipend (2016)
• Cold Spring Harbour Helmsley Charitable Trust Scholarship (2016)
Resident Physician, Western University
Michelle FranciscoResearch Project Coordinator (2015-2020)Medical Affairs Operations Lead, Janssen Inc.


Ion channel regulation of tumor cell-neuron interaction
  • Dong W, Fekete A, Chen X, Liu H, Beilhartz GL, Chen X, Bahrampour S, Xiong Y, Yang Q, Zhao H, Kong T, Morioka MS, Jung G, Kim JE, Schramek D, Dirks PB, Song Y, Kim TH, He Y, Wanggou S, Li X, Melnyk RA, Wang LY, Huang X (2023) A designer peptide against the EAG2-Kvβ2 potassium channel targets the interaction of cancer cells and neurons to treat glioblastoma. Nature Cancer 4, 1418–1436 (Cover Article) PMID: 37697045 PDF

Editorial highlights:

Editorial: The never-abating excitement for targeted therapies. Nature Cancer 4, 1397-1398

News & Views: Targeting network circuitry in glioma. Nature Cancer 4, 1406–1407

Behind the paper: Nature Cancer Community

Media coverage:

Video abstract

Discovery of protein-protein interaction lays foundation for future glioblastoma therapy

SickKids News, EurekAlert!, Bioengineer.org, Technology Networks, News Medical, The Daily Science, Press-News.org, Medical Xpress, Nouvelles Du Monde, Futur en Seine

Designer Peptide Targeting Protein-Protein Interaction Could Become Glioblastoma Treatment Inside Precision Medicine

Cracking the cancer-neuroscience connection Drug Discovery News

Researchers pave the way for new glioblastoma treatment Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto

First-in-class多肽分子通过抑制肿瘤-神经元互作治疗脑胶质瘤 BioArt

SickKids科研突破:助力研发脑癌新疗法 SickKids病童医院基金会


Ion channel regulation of tumor cell-blood vessel interaction
  • Chen X*, Momin A*, Wanggou S*, Wang X, Min HK, Dou W, Gong Z, Chan J, Dong W, Fan JJ, Xiong Y, Talipova K, Zhao H, Chen YX, Veerasammy K, Fekete A, Kumar SA, Liu H, Yang Q, Son JE, Dou Z, Hu M, Pardis P, Juraschka K, Donovan L, Zhang J, Ramaswamy V, Selvadurai H, Dirks PB, Taylor MD, Wang LY, Hui CC, Abzalimov R, He Y, Sun Y, Li X#, Huang X#,§ (2023) Mechanosensitive brain tumor cells construct blood-tumor barrier to mask chemosensitivity. Neuron 111:30-48 (Cover Article) (* contributed equally, # corresponding author, § lead contact) PMID: 36323321 PDF

Editorial highlights:

Preview: Breaking down the barrier to medulloblastoma treatment: Piezo2 knockout disrupts the BTB and increases vascular permeability. Neuron 111(1):3-5

Media coverage: 

New research rethinks the blood-tumour barrier and identifies novel path to brain cancer treatment

SickKids News, EurekAlert!Medical XpressNews-MedicalTechnology Networks

Breaking through the blood-tumour barrier to better treat brain cancer OICR News

Study provides path for overcoming blood-tumor barrier in treating medulloblastoma The Science Advisory Board

Touch receptor plays a role in blood-tumor barrier BioWorld

机械敏感性肿瘤细胞构成的全新血-肿瘤屏障阻碍脑肿瘤化疗 BioArt


Ion channel regulation of tumor cell-extracellular matrix interaction
  • Chen X, Wanggou S, Bodalia A, Zhu M, Dong W, Fan J, Yin WC, Min HK, Hu M, Draghici D, Dou W, Li F, Coutinho FJ, Whetstone H, Kushida MM, Dirks PB, Song Y, Hui CC, Sun Y, Wang LY, Li X, Huang X (2018) A feedforward mechanism mediated by mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO1 and tissue mechanics promotes glioma aggression. Neuron 100(4):799-815.e7. PMID: 30344046 PDF

Editorial highlights:

Video abstract: how brain tumors stiffen and grow

Preview: Unlocking the dangers of a stiffening brain Neuron 100(4):763-765

F1000Prime Recommended

Best of Neuron 2018-2019

Media coverage: 

May the force not be with you SickKids NewsCancer Stem Cell News

Researchers find a new way to address the challenge of brain tumour “stiffness” OICR News

调节肿瘤组织机械特性或可成为肿瘤治疗新方式 BioArt


Ion channel regulation of tumor cell-intrinsic properties
  • Fan JJ*, Wang X*, Erickson AW*, Skowron P*, Wang X, Chen X, Shan G, Bahrampour S, Xiong Y, Dong W, Abeysundara N, Francisco MA, Pusong RJ, Suarez RA, Farooq H, Holgado BL, Wu X, Daniels C, Dupuy AJ, Cadinanos J, Bradley A, Bagchi A, Moriarity BS, Largaespada DA, Morrissy AS, Ramaswamy V, Mack SC, Garzia L, Dirks PB, Wanggou S, Li X, Sun Y, Taylor MD#, Huang X#. In vivo functional genomics identifies essentiality of potassium homeostasis in medulloblastoma. bioRxiv (preprint) https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.23.501234 (* contributed equally, # corresponding author)


  • Bahcheli AT*, Min HK*, Bayati M, Zhao H, Fortuna A, Dong W, Dzneladze I, Chan J, Chen X, Guevara-Hoyer K, Dirks PB, Huang X#, Reimand J# (2024) Pan-cancer ion transport signature reveals functional regulators of glioblastoma aggression. The EMBO Journal 43: 196–224 (* contributed equally, #corresponding author) PMID: 38177502 PDF

Media coverage:

AI helps find new leads for brain cancer drug discovery OICR News


  • Francisco MA, Wanggou S, Fan JJ, Dong W, Chen X, Momin A, Abeysundara N, Min HK, Chan J, McAdam R, Sia M, Pusong RJ, Liu S, Patel N, Ramaswamy V, Kijima N, Wang LY, Song Y, Kafri R, Taylor MD, Li X#, Huang X# (2020) Chloride intracellular channel 1 cooperates with potassium channel EAG2 to promote medulloblastoma growth. Journal of Experimental Medicine 217(5):e20190971. (# corresponding author) PMID: 32097463 PDF

Media coverage:

Study shows common cell protein could be targeted to treat childhood brain cancers OICR News

氯离子通道CLIC1在髓母细胞瘤的致病作用机制 BioArt


  • Huang X*, He Y*, Dubuc AM*, Hashizume R, Zhang W, Reimand J, Yang H, Wang TA, Stehbens S, Younger S, Barshow S, Zhu S, Cooper MK, Peacock J, Ramaswamy V, Garzia L, Wu X, Remke M, Forester CM, Kim CC, Weiss WA, James CD, Shuman MA, Bader GD, Mueller S, Taylor MD, Jan YN#, Jan LY# (2015) EAG2 potassium channel with evolutionarily conserved function as a brain tumor target. Nature Neuroscience 18(9): 1236-46. (* contributed equally, # corresponding author) PMID: 26258683 PDF

Editorial highlights:

Channeling brain cancer. Science Signaling (2015): 8 (392), ec245

Therapy: Reinventing the wheel. Nature Reviews Cancer (2015): 15, 514

EAG2 potassium channel: A new regulator of malignancy and therapeutic target in medulloblastoma. Neuro-Oncology (2015): 17(12), 1547

Voltage spikes driving medulloblastoma. Cancer Research (2015): 75, 4439

Targeting ion channels in cancer. Lab Animal (2015): 44, 370

Media coverage

Common class of “channel blocking” drugs may find a role in cancer therapy ScienceDaily, EurekAlert!Neuroscientist News, Newswise, HealthCanalUCSF News Center

Potassium Channel Blockers Show Promise as Treatment for Brain Tumors OncoTherapy Network

Targeting an Ion Channel to Treat Common Pediatric Brain Tumor Northwestern University News Center

Ion Channels May Play a Role in a New Generation of Cancer Therapies Icagen


  • Huang X, Dubuc AM, Hashizume R, Berg J, He Y, Wang J, Chiang C, Cooper MK, Northcott PA, Taylor MD, Barnes MJ, Tihan T, Chen J, Hackett CS, Weiss WA, James CD, Rowitch DH, Shuman MA, Jan YN, Jan LY (2012) Voltage-gated potassium channel EAG2 controls mitotic entry and tumor growth in medulloblastoma via regulating cell volume dynamics. Genes & Development 26(16): 1780-96. (Cover Article) PMID: 22855790 PDF

Editorial highlights:

Medulloblastoma: Pump up the volume. Nature Reviews Cancer, 12, 583

Targeting ion channels. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 19, 867

Ion Channel Activity Promotes Mitotic Entry and Tumor Cell Growth. Cancer Discovery, 2, 763


New tools for studying ionic signaling, measuring cell mechanics, and treating brain cancer
  • Wang X, Gong Z, Wang T, Law J, Chen X, Wanggou S, Wang J, Ying B, Francisco MA, Dong W, Yi X, Fan JJ, Angers S, Dirks PB, Li X, Liu X, Huang X#, Sun Y# (2023) Mechanical nanosurgery of chemoresistant glioblastoma. Science Advances 9, eade5321 (# corresponding author) PMID: 36989359 PDF

Editorial highlights:

Nanotubes disrupt brain tumours. Nature Reviews Neurology (2023) 19, 323

Mechanical nanosurgery for glioblastoma. Nature Reviews Materials (2023) 8, 307

Media coverage:

Video abstract: Mechanical Nanosurgery: Using Precision Magnetics To Destroy Tumor Cells From Within

Precision magnetics could be game-changer for therapy-resistant brain cancers

SickKids News, OICR News, EurekAlert!, Technology Networks, Newswise, HospiMedica, SciTechDaily, Head Topics, OncologyNews, Nanowerk

Robotic nano-surgery shown effective at treating aggressive brain cancer in mice University of Toronto News, University of Toronto Engineering News, BioMedWire

Nanotubes shred tumors in mice Drug Discovery News

Robotic nano-surgery shown to be effective at treating brain cancer in pre-clinical models Education News Canada

Nano-robotic scalpel swarm shreds brain cancer cells from the inside News Atlas

Robotic nano-surgery kills GBM cancer cells in mice’s brains Tech Informed

Mechanical nanosurgery attacks aggressive brain cancer Physics World

Tiny robots, giant steps: how nanotechnology could improve cancer and fertility treatment The Guardian

Talk science to me with Dan Riskin (begins at 4:40) iHeartRadio

磁石と鉄粉でグリオブラストーマを除去する All About Science Japan

利用磁控碳纳米管治疗耐药胶质母细胞瘤 bioon


  • Tang W, Chen X, Wang X, Zhu M, Shan G, Wang T, Dou W, Wang J, Law J, Gong Z, Hopyan S#, Huang X#, Sun Y# (2023) Indentation induces instantaneous nuclear stiffening and unfolding of nuclear envelop wrinkles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(36):e2307356120 (# corresponding author) PMID: 37639585 PDF


  • Wang X*, Wang T*, Chen X, Law J, Shan G, Tang W, Gong Z, Pan P, Liu X, Yu J, Ru C#, Huang X#, Sun Y# (2022) Microrobotic swarms for intracellular measurement with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. ACS Nano16(7):10824–10839 (# corresponding author) PMID: 35786860 PDF


Reviews of ion channel functions in cancer
  • Momin A*,#, Bahrampour S*, Min HK*, Chen X*, Wang X, Sun Y, Huang X# (2021) Channeling force in the brain: mechanosensitive ion channels choreograph mechanics and malignancies. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 42(5):367-384. (Cover Article) (* contributed equally, # corresponding author) PMID: 33752907 PDF


  • Fan JJ# and Huang X# (2020) Ion channels in cancer: orchestrators of electrical signaling and cellular crosstalk. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology (# corresponding author) PMID: 32894333 PDF


  • Huang X# and Jan LY# (2014) Targeting potassium channels in cancer. Journal of Cell Biology 206(2): 151-62. (# corresponding author) PMID: 25049269 PDF


The Hospital for Sick Children / University of Toronto
  • Zhu M, Gu B, Thomas EC, Huang Y, Kim Y-K, Tao H, Yung TM, Chen X, Zhang K, Woolaver EK, Nevin MR, Huang X, Winklbauer R, Rossant J, Sun Y#, Hopyan S# (2024) A fibronectin gradient remodels mixed phase mesoderm. Science Advances 10, eadl6366 (# corresponding author) PMID:39028807 


  • Bahcheli AT*, Min HK*, Bayati M, Zhao H, Fortuna A, Dong W, Dzneladze I, Chan J, Chen X, Guevara-Hoyer K, Dirks PB, Huang X#, Reimand J# (2024) Pan-cancer ion transport signature reveals functional regulators of glioblastoma aggression. The EMBO Journal 43: 196–224 (* contributed equally, #corresponding author) PMID: 38177502 PDF
  • Dong W, Fekete A, Chen X, Liu H, Beilhartz GL, Chen X, Bahrampour S, Xiong Y, Yang Q, Zhao H, Kong T, Morioka MS, Jung G, Kim JE, Schramek D, Dirks PB, Song Y, Kim TH, He Y, Wanggou S, Li X, Melnyk RA, Wang LY, Huang X (2023) A designer peptide against the EAG2-Kvβ2 potassium channel targets the interaction of cancer cells and neurons to treat glioblastoma. Nature Cancer 4, 1418-1436 PMID: 37697045 PDF


  • Tang W, Chen X, Wang X, Zhu M, Shan G, Wang T, Dou W, Wang J, Law J, Gong Z, Hopyan S#, Huang X#, Sun Y# (2023) Indentation induces instantaneous nuclear stiffening and unfolding of nuclear envelop wrinkles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(36):e2307356120 (# corresponding author) PMID: 37639585 PDF


  • Dave BM, Chen X, McCready F, Charton CS, Morley RM, Tailor JK, Ellis J, Huang X, Dirks PB (2023) Directed differentiation of human hindbrain neuroepithelial stem cells recapitulates cerebellar granule neurogenesis. Development 150 (13): dev201534. PMID: 37381820


  • Wang X, Gong Z, Wang T, Law J, Chen X, Wanggou S, Wang J, Ying B, Francisco MA, Dong W, Yi X, Fan JJ, Angers S, Dirks PB, Li X, Liu X, Huang X#, Sun Y# (2023) Mechanical nanosurgery of chemoresistant glioblastoma. Science Advances 9, eade5321 (# corresponding author) PMID: 36989358 PDF


  • Dou W, Abdelkader D, Chen X, Wang T, Malhi M, Gong Z, Mirshafiei F, Zhu M, Shan G, Huang X, Maynes J, Sun Y (2023) Ultrathin and flexible bioelectronic arrays for functional measurement of iPSC-cardiomyocytes under cardiotropic drug administration and controlled microenvironments. Nano Letters 23, 6, 2321–2331 PMID: 36893018


  • Xu P, Wang S, Lin A, Min N, Zhou Z, Dou W, Sun Y, Huang X, Tran H#, Liu X# (2023) Conductive SWCNT/PDMS bottlebrush elastomers for ultrasoft electronics. Nature Communications 14(1):623 (# corresponding author) PMID: 36739447


  • Chen X*, Momin A*, Wanggou S*, Wang X, Min HK, Dou W, Gong Z, Chan J, Dong W, Fan JJ, Xiong Y, Talipova K, Zhao H, Chen YX, Veerasammy K, Fekete A, Kumar SA, Liu H, Yang Q, Son JE, Dou Z, Hu M, Pardis P, Juraschka K, Donovan LK, Zhang J, Ramaswamy V, Selvadurai HJ, Dirks PB, Taylor MD, Wang LY, Hui CC, Abzalimov R, He Y, Sun Y, Li X#, Huang X#,§ (2023) Mechanosensitive brain tumor cells construct blood-tumor barrier to mask chemosensitivity. Neuron 111(1):30-48 (* contributed equally, # corresponding author, § lead contact) PMID: 36323321 PDF
  • Hendrikse LD*, Haldipur P*, Saulnier O*, Millman J, Sjoboen AH, Erickson A, Ong W, Gordon V, L C-M, Mercier AL, Shokouhian M, Suárez RA, Ly M, Borlase S, Scott DS, Vladoiu MC, Farooq H, Sirbu O, Nakashima T, Nambu S, Funakoshi Y, Bahcheli A, Diaz-Mejia J, Golser J, Bach K, Phuong-Bao T, Skowron P, Wang E, Kumar S, Balin P, Visvanathan A, Lee JJY, Ayoub R, Chen X, Chen X, Mungall KL, Luu B, Bérubé P, Wang YC, Pfister SM, Delattre O, Kim S-K, Bourdeaut F, Doz FP, Masliah-Planchon J, Grajkowska WA, Loukides J, Dirks PB, Fèvre-Montange M, Jouvet A, French PJ, Kros JM, Zitterbart K, Bailey SD, Eberhart CG, Rao AAN, Giannini C, Olson JM, Garami M, Hauser P, Phillips JJ, Ra YS, de Torres C, Mora J, Li KKW, Ng H-K, Poon WS, Pollack IF, López-Aguilar E, Gillespie GY, Van Meter TE, Shofuda T, Vibhakar R, Thompson RC, Cooper MK, Rubin JB, Kumabe T, Jung S, Lach B, Ferrucci V, Antonellis PD, Zollo M, Robinson S, Stearns DS, Van Meir EG, Porrati P, Finocchiaro G, Massimino M, Carlotti CG, Faria CC, Roussel MF, Boop F, Chan JA, Aldinger KA, Razavi F, Silvestri E, McLendon RE, Thompson EM, Ansari M, Garre ML, de León FCP, Aguilar PE, Conti MPPD, Morrissy AS, Cavalli FMG, Wu X, Daniels C, Rich JN, Jones SJM, Moore RA, Marra MA, Huang X, Reimand J, Ellison DW, Sorensen PHB, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Weiss WA, Pugh TJ, Garzia L, Kleinman CL, Stein LD, Jabado N, Malkin D, Ayrault O, Doble B, Ramaswamy V, Werbowetski-Ogilvie TE#, Suzuki H#, Millen KJ#, Taylor MD(2022) Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation constitutes medulloblastoma. Nature (* contributed equally, corresponding author) 609(7929): 1021-2018 PMID: 36131014


  • Law J*, Wang X*, Luo M, Xin L, Du X, Dou W, Wang T, Shan G, Wang Y, Song P#, Huang X, Yu J#, Sun Y(2022) Microrobotic swarms for selective embolization. Science Advances 22;8(29):eabm5752 (# corresponding author) PMID: 35857830


  • Wang X*, Wang T*, Chen X, Law J, Shan G, Tang W, Gong Z, Pan P, Liu X, Yu J, Ru C#, Huang X#, Sun Y(2022) Microrobotic swarms for intracellular measurement with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. ACS Nano 16(7):10824-10839 (* contributed equally, # corresponding author) PMID: 35786860 PDF


  • Yang Q, Jiang N, Zou H, Fan X, Liu T, Huang X, Wanggou S, Li X (2022) Alterations in 3D chromatin organization contribute to tumorigenesis of EGFR-amplified glioblastoma. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 20:1967-1978 PMID: 35521558
  • Son JE#, Dou Z, Wanggou S, Chan J, Mo R, Li X, Huang X, Kim K, Michaud JL, Hui CC# (2021) Ectopic expression of Irx3 and Irx5 in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus contributes to defects in Sim1 haploinsufficiency. Science Advances 7(44):eabh4503 (# corresponding author) PMID: 34705510


  • Zhang Z, Dai C, Shan G, Chen X, Liu H, Abdalla K, Kuznyetsova I, Moskovstev S, Huang X, Librach C, Jarvi K, Sun Y (2021) Quantitative selection of single human sperm with high DNA integrity for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertility and Sterility 116(5):1308-1318. PMID: 34266663


  • Son JE*, Dou Z*, Kim K, Wanggou S, Cha VSB, Mo R, Zhang X, Ketela T, Chen X, Li X, Huang X, Hui CC (2021) Expression of Irx3 and Irx5 in Ins2-Cre+ cells regulates hypothalamic postnatal neurogenesis and leptin response. Nature Metabolism 3(5):701-713 (* contributed equally) PMID: 33859429


  • Pryszlak M*, Wiggans M*, Chen X, Jaramillo JE, Burns SE, Richards LM, Pugh TJ, Kaplan DR, Huang X, Dirks PD, Pearson BJ (2021) The DEAD-box helicase DDX56 is a conserved stemness regulator in normal and cancer stem cells. Cell Reports 34(13):108903 (* contributed equally) PMID: 33789112


  • Momin A*,#, Bahrampour S*, Min HK*, Chen X*, Wang X, Sun Y, Huang X# (2021) Channeling force in the brain: mechanosensitive ion channels choreograph mechanics and malignancies. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 42(5):367-384 (* contributed equally, # corresponding author) PMID: 33752907 PDF


  • Shahzad U, Taccone M, Kumar S, Okura H, Krumholtz S, Ishida J, Mine C, Gouveia K, Edgar J, Smith C, Hayes M, Huang X, Derry BW, Taylor MD, and Rutka JT (2021) Modeling human brain tumours in flies, worms, and zebrafish: From proof of principle to novel therapeutic targets. Neuro-Oncology 23(5):718-731. PMID: 33378446
  • Fan JJ# and Huang X#,§ (2020) Ion channels in cancer: orchestrators of electrical signaling and cellular crosstalk. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology (# corresponding author) PMID: 32894333 PDF


  • Francisco MA, Wanggou S, Fan JJ, Dong W, Chen X, Momin A, Abeysundara N, Min HK, Chan J, McAdam R, Sia M, Pusong RJ, Liu S, Patel N, Ramaswamy V, Kijima N, Wang LY, Song Y, Kafri R, Taylor MD, Li X#, Huang X#,§ (2020) Chloride intracellular channel 1 cooperates with potassium channel EAG2 to promote medulloblastoma growth. Journal of Experimental Medicine 217.5: e20190971 (# corresponding author) PMID: 32097463 PDF
  • Pigott BJ, Peters CJ, He Y, Huang X, Younger S, Jan LY, Jan YN (2019) Paralytic, the Drosophila voltage-gated sodium channel, regulates proliferation of neural progenitors. Genes & Development 1;33(23-24):1739-1750. PMID: 31753914


  • Suzuki H*, Kumar SA*, Shuai S, Diaz-Navarro A, Gutierrez-Fernandez A, De Antonellis P, Cavalli FMG, Juraschka K, Farooq H, Shibahara I, Vladoiu MC, Zhang J, Abeysundara N, Przelicki D, Skowron P, Gauer N, Luu B, Daniels C, Wu X, Forget A, Momin A, Wang J, Dong W, Kim SK, Grajkowska WA, Jouvet A, Fèvre-Montange M, Garrè ML, Nageswara Rao AA, Giannini C, Kros JM, French PJ, Jabado N, Ng HK, Poon WS, Eberhart CG, Pollack IF, Olson JM, Weiss WA, Kumabe T, López-Aguilar E, Lach B, Massimino M, Van Meir EG, Rubin JB, Vibhakar R, Chambless LB, Kijima N, Klekner A, Bognár L, Chan JA, Faria CC, Ragoussis J, Pfister SM, Goldenberg A, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Bailey SD, Garzia L, Morrissy AS, Marra MA, Huang X, Malkin D, Ayrault O, Ramaswamy V, Puente XS, Calarco JA, Stein L, Taylor MD (2019) Recurrent noncoding U1 snRNA mutations drive cryptic splicing in SHH medulloblastoma. Nature 574(7780):707-711 (* contributed equally) PMID: 31664194
  • Wang YA, Li XL, Mo YZ, Fan CM, Tang L, Xiong F, Guo C, Xiang B, Zhou M, Ma J, Huang X, Wu X, Li Y, Li GY, Zeng ZY, Xiong W (2018) Effects of tumor metabolic microenvironment on regulatory T cells. Molecular Cancer 17(1):168. PMID: 30477520


  • Chen X, Wanggou S, Bodalia A, Zhu M, Dong W, Fan JJ, Yin WC, Min HK, Hu M, Draghici D, Dou W, Li F, Coutinho FJ, Whetstone H, Kushida MM, Dirks PB, Song Y, Hui CC, Sun Y, Wang LY, Li X, and Huang X (2018) A feedforward mechanism mediated by mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO1 and tissue mechanics promotes glioma aggression. Neuron 100(4):799-815.e7. PMID: 30344046 PDF


  • Frattini V, Pagnotta SM, Tala, Fan JJ, Russo MV, Lee SB, Garofano L, Zhang J, Shi P, Lewis G, Sanson H, Frederick V, Cerulo L, Rolland DCM, Mall R, Mokhtari K, Elenitoba-Johnson KSJ, Sanson M, Huang X, Ceccarelli M, Lasorella A, Iavarone A (2018) A metabolic function of FGFR3-TACC3 gene fusions in cancer. Nature 553, 222–227. PMID: 29323298
  • Park NI, Guilhamon P, Desai K, McAdam RF, Langille E, O’Connor M, Lan X, Whetstone H, Coutinho FC, Vanner RJ, Ling E, Prinos P, Lee L, Selvadurai, H, Atwal G, Kushida M, Clarke ID, Voisin V, Cusimano MD, Bernstein M, Das S, Bader G, Arrowsmith CH, Angers S, Huang X, Lupien M, Dirks PB (2017) ASCL1 reorganizes chromatin to direct neuronal fate and suppress tumorigenicity. Cell Stem Cell 21(2):209-224.e7. PMID: 28712938
  • Agnihotri S, Golbourn B, Huang X, Remke M, Younger S, Cairns RA, Chalil A, Smith CA, Krumholtz SL, MacKenzie D, Rakopoulos P, Ramaswamy V, Taccone MS, Mischel PS, Fuller GN, Hawkins C, Stanford WL, Taylor MD, Zadeh G, Rutka JT (2016) PINK1 is a Negative Regulator of Growth and the Warburg Effect in Glioblastoma. Cancer Research 76(16):4708-19. PMID: 2732564


  • Morrissy AS*, Garzia L*, Shih DJH, Zuyderduyn S, Huang X, Skowron P, Remke M, Cavalli FMG, Ramaswamy V, Lindsay P, Jelveh S, Donovan LK, Wang X, Luu B, Zayne K, Li Y, Mayoh C, Thiessen N, Mercier E, Mungall KL, Yusanne M, Tse K, Zeng T, Shumansky K, Roth AJL, Shah S, Farooq H, Kijima N, Holgado BL, Lee JJY, Matan-Lithwick S, Liu J, Mack SC, Manno A, Michaelraj KA, Nor C, Peacock J, Qin L, Reimand J, Rolider A, Thompson YY, Wu X, Pugh T, Ally A, Bilenky M, Butterfied YSN, Carlsen R, Cheng Y, Chuah E, Corbett RD, Dhalla N, He A, Lee D, Li HI, Long W, Mayo M, Plettner P, Qian JQ, Schein JE, Tam A, Wong T, Birol I, Zhao Y, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Bendel AE, Fults DW, Walter AW, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Collins VP, Cho YJ, Hoffman C, Lyden D, Wisoff J, Garvin JH, Stearns DS, Massimi L, Schuller U, Sterba J, Zitterbart K, Puget S, Ayrault O, Dunn SE, Tirapelli DPC, Carlotti CG, Wheeler H, Hallahan AR, Ingram W, MacDonald TJ, Olson JJ, Van Meir EG, Lee JY, Wang KC, Kim SK, Cho BK, Pietsch T, Fleischack G, Tippelt S, Ra YS, Bailey S, Lindsay JC, Clifford SC, Eberhart CG, Cooper MK, Packer R, Massimino M, Garre ML, Bartels U, Tabori U, Hawkins C, Dirks P, Bouffet E, Rutka JT, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Weiss WA, Collier LS, Dupuy AJ, Korshunov A, Jones DTW, Kool M, Northcott PA, Pfister SM, Largaespada DA, Mungall AJ, Moore RA, Jabado N, Bader GD, Jones JM, Malkin D, Marra MA#. Taylor MD# (2016) Divergent Clonal Selection Drives Medulloblastoma at Recurrence. Nature 529, 351–357 (* contributed equally, # corresponding author). PMID: 26760213
2010 – 2015 (University of California, San Francisco)
  • Huang X*, He Y*, Dubuc AM*, Hashizume R, Zhang W, Reimand J, Yang H, Wang TA, Stehbens S, Younger S, Barshow S, Zhu S, Cooper MK, Peacock J, Ramaswamy V, Garzia L, Wu X, Remke M, Forester CM, Kim CC, Weiss WA, James CD, Shuman MA, Bader GD, Mueller S, Taylor MD, Jan YN#, Jan LY# (2015) EAG2 potassium channel with evolutionarily conserved function as a brain tumor target. Nature Neuroscience 18(9): 1236-46. (* contributed equally, # corresponding author) PMID: 26258683 PDF


  • Song Y, Sretavan D, Salegio E, Berg J, Huang X, Cheng T, Xiong X, Meltzer S, Han C, Nguyen TT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Jan LY, Jan YN (2015) Regulation of axon regeneration by the RNA repair and splicing pathway. Nature Neuroscience 18(6): 817-25. PMID: 25961792


  • Hashizume R, Andor N, Ihara Y, Lerner R, Gan H, Chen X, Fang D, Huang X, Tom MW, Ngo V, Solomon D, Mueller S, Paris PL, Zhang Z, Petritsch C, Gupta N, Waldman TA, James CD (2014) Pharmacologic inhibition of histone demethylation as a therapy for pediatric brainstem glioma. Nature Medicine (12): 1394-1396. PMID: 25401693


  • Huang X# and Jan LY# (2014) Targeting potassium channels in cancer. Journal of Cell Biology 206(2): 151-62. (# corresponding author) PMID: 25049269 PDF


  • Huang X, Dubuc AM, Hashizume R, Berg J, He Y, Wang J, Chiang C, Cooper MK, Northcott PA, Taylor MD, Barnes MJ, Tihan T, Chen J, Hackett CS, Weiss WA, James CD, Rowitch DH, Shuman MA, Jan YN, Jan LY (2012) Voltage-gated potassium channel EAG2 controls mitotic entry and tumor growth in medulloblastoma via regulating cell volume dynamics. Genes & Development 15; 26(16): 1780-96. (Cover Article) PMID: 22855790 PDF


  • Cheng FY*, Huang X*, Sarangi A, Ketova T, Cooper MK, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2012) Widespread contribution of Gdf7 lineage to cerebellar cell types and implications for Hedgehog-driven medulloblastoma formation PLoS ONE 7(4): e35541. (* contributed equally) PMID: 22539980 PDF
2004 – 2010 (Vanderbilt University)
  • Huang X, Liu J, Ketova T, Fleming JT, Grover VK, Cooper MK, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2010) Transventricular delivery of Sonic hedgehog is essential to cerebellar ventricular zone development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(18): 8422-7. PMID: 20400693 PDF


  • Huang X, Sarangi A, Ketova T, Litingtung Y, Cooper MK, Chiang C (2010) Intracranial orthotopic allografting of medulloblastoma cells in immunocompromised mice. Journal of Visualized Experiments (44). pii: 2153. PMID: 20972404 PDF


  • Huang X, Ketova T, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2010) Isolation, enrichment and maintenance of medulloblastoma stem cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments (43). pii: 2086. PMID: 20834221 PDF


  • Huang X, Ketova T, Fleming JT, Wang H, Dey SK, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2009) Sonic hedgehog signaling regulates a novel epithelial progenitor domain of the hindbrain choroid plexus. Development 136(15): 2535-43. PMID: 19570847 PDF

Editorial highlight:

Shh, choroid plexus growth in progress. Development. (2009) 136: e1502


  • Oh S*, Huang X*, Liu J, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2009) Shh and Gli3 activities are required for timely generation of motor neuron progenitors. Developmental Biology 331(2): 261-9. (* contributed equally) PMID: 19433083 PDF


  • Huang X*, Goudy SL*, Ketova T, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2008) Gli3-deficient mice exhibit cleft palate associated with abnormal tongue development. Developmental Dynamics 237(10): 3079-87 (* contributed equally) PMID: 18816854 PDF


  • Fogel JL, Chiang C, Huang X, Agarwala S (2008) Ventral specification and perturbed boundary formation in the mouse midbrain in the absence of Hedgehog signaling. Developmental Dynamics 237(5): 1359-72. PMID: 18429041


  • Huang X, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2007) Region-specific requirement for cholesterol modification of sonic hedgehog in patterning the telencephalon and spinal cord. Development 134(11): 2095-10 PMID: 17507410 PDF


  • Huang X, Litingtung Y, Chiang C (2007) Ectopic sonic hedgehog signaling impairs telencephalic dorsal midline development: implication for human holoprosencephaly. Human Molecular Genetics 16(12): 1454-68. PMID: 17468181 PDF


  • Oh S, Huang X, Chiang C (2005) Specific requirements of sonic hedgehog signaling during oligodendrocyte development. Developmental Dynamics 234(3): 489-96. PMID: 15880651

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Be part of our team

We always wish to hear from talented candidates who are interested in joining our lab.

There are two priorities in the Huang lab:

1. Performing mechanistic studies to discover the unknown functions of ion channels during development and tumourigenesis

2. Realizing the best potential and fostering the career development of all lab members

Before every lab member joins, both scientific and career goals will be discussed with the PI, and a plan to achieve these goals will be laid out. Both postdoctoral fellows and graduate students will be able to choose from a number of projects depending on his/her interests, and they are encouraged to test their own ideas and develop new directions.

Postdoctoral fellows are expected to independently lead projects with input from the PI and other lab members. While graduate students will initially work closely with the PI and senior members in the lab, they will also be fostered to develop independence and become the pilots of their projects.

Besides the general lab duties, lab manager and research assistants are also encouraged to take on scientific projects depending on his/her interests and talents. Everyone is expected to work smart and do the best science, and the PI will make every effort to develop a collegial lab environment and promote the professional growth of all lab members. 

The lab succeeds when its members succeed!

Prospective postdoctoral fellows can apply directly by sending their CV and cover letter outlining their research interests to Dr. Huang


Individuals interested in joining the lab as a graduate student must be admitted to the graduate program in the Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto


Undergraduate students can join the lab as long as they are enrolled in any department at a recognized university

Contact information

Dr. Xi Huang

Senior Scientist


Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning

686 Bay Street, Room 16.9704

Toronto, ON M5G 0A4

Office: (416) 813-7654 Ext: 309526

Main Lab: 16.9420 (Ext: 309527)

Fly Lab: 15.9400 (Ext: 309528)

Ms. Nalma Uy

Administrative Assistant to Dr. Xi Huang


Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning

686 Bay Street, 16.9801-U1

Toronto, ON M5G 0A4

(416) 813-7654 Ext: 309120