Check out the Current Biology Dispatch written by Chee Kiang Ewe and Oded Rechavi on our amyloid inheritance paper.
Check out Craig Hunter’s Trends in Genetics Spotlight article on our amyloid paper.
Congratulations to Matthew Eroglu for his paper that was published in Nature Cell Biology (PMID: 39223373)
Congratulations to Jacob McAuley for graduating with his Masters degree and earning co-authorship on our latest paper (PMID: 39223373)
Congratulations to Tony Cheng for earning co-authorship on collaborative publication with Jason Moffat’s lab (PMID: 38980795 )
Derry lab welcomes undergraduate Symon Elkas.
Two pre-prints posted to bioRxiv from Rachel and Evelyn’s PhD projects:
MRCK-1 activates non-muscle myosin for outgrowth of a unicellular tube in Caenorhabditis elegans. Evelyn M. Popiel, & W Brent Derry
CDK-4 regulates nucleolar size and anabolic metabolism as a fitness tradeoff in C. elegans.
Congratulations to Dr. Evelyn Popiel who defended her PhD thesis on the role of MRCK-1 in seamless tube growth.
We have another manuscript with our collaborators in bioRxiv:
Congratulations to Dr. Rachel Webster, who defended her PhD thesis describing the mechanism by which CDK-4 regulates nucleolar size, metabolism and lifespan.
Updated genetic and point of care review for clinicians taking care of cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM) patients.
Brent’s editorial for a special collection issue on the role of developmental pathways in human disease was published in the FEBS Journal.
Congratulations to former PhD student Dr. Matthew Eroglu, whose CRISPR methods paper was published in the FEBS Journal. Matthew also began his postdoctoral studies with Dr. Oliver Hobert at Columbia University.
Collaborative paper led by Dr. Todd Lamitina’s group on the role of alternative polyadenylation factors in hypertonic stress published in Genetics.
Derry lab welcomes undergraduate summer students Naomi Kwan and Alex Leong.
- Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Eroglu for successfully defending his PhD thesis. Outstanding job Matthew!
- Derry Lab welcomes 3 new graduate students: Rhea Ahluwalia (co-supervised with Lincoln Stein), Jacob McAuley, and Tanner Zocher.
- Congratulations to Dr. Aishwarya Subramanian for the publication of her paper on alternative polyadenylation in Science Advances and for getting a new job!
- Congratulations to Anson Sathaseevan, who successfully defended his Master’s thesis.
- Congratulations to Aishwarya Subramanian. Her paper on the role of alternative polyadenylation in oncogenic Ras output has been accepted for publication.
- Congratulations to Tony Cheng for passing his PhD qualification exam. Great work Tony!
- Derry Lab welcomes summer students Adrija Cygas and Thalia Pandolfi to the team.
- Congratulations to Rachel Webster and the Kafri lab for the publication of our collaborative paper describing how CDK4 regulates cell size.
- New collaborative review with Dr. James Rutka’s lab on the use of model organisms in brain cancer research. Great work Uswa!
- Just got our paper published on CRSPR. CRISPR: development of a technology and its applications. FEBS J. 2021 Jan;288(2):358-359.
- Congratulations to Tony for the CIHR-Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master’s (CGS-M) competition
- Derry lab bid farewell to Maria Quintana who went back to Spain after her term was over in the Derry lab.
- Congratulations to Anson for receiving SickKids’ Restracomp Fellowship award.
- Two new papers on methods for studying CCM genes and proteins in C. elegans. Congratulations Evelyn!
- Congratulations to Tony Cheng for being awarded the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Masters Fellowship (CIHR CGS M)!
- Our CCM review paper has been published in Trends in Molecular Medicine.
- Derry lab welcomes Maria Quintana from Spain.
- Covid-19 lockdown begins!
- Please give a warm welcome to our newest graduate students, Tony Cheng and Anson Sathaseevan! The Derry Lab is happy to have the two of you on board!
Benjamin Lant says goodbye to the Derry Lab and Hello to Ireland. You will be missed Dr. Lant! Click here to check out more photos of this bittersweet farewell.
Big congratulations to Eric Chapman for winning the Barbara Vivash Award for Best Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics! Click here to check out his feature.
- Check out Forschen Für Ein Gesundes Leben’s October newsletter for new insights on CCM
- Congratulations to Sam for winning the poster price at the annual CCM Scientific Meeting
- CIHR grant ‘Molecular control of apoptotic cell death in the C. elegans germline’ funded for 5 years
- Congratulations to summer undergraduate student Adelia Gaffney for receiving an NSERC fellowship.
- Brent awarded Canada Research Chair on Genetic Models of Human Disease
Congratulations to Rachel Webster who passed her re-classification exam and is now a PhD Candidate! Amazing job Rachel!
Last August, Eric Chapman successfully defended his PhD Thesis and today we celebrate his published piece in Nature Communications! Click here to read. Congratulations Dr. Chapman!
Double congratulations for Anh! Former Post Doc, Ahn Tran, has started a new chapter as a Research Officer for The National Research Council of Canada and successfully published her paper in Cell Death & Differentiation. Click here to read. Way to Go Anh!
We are excited to have Samuel Krempel join us back in the lab but instead this time as a PhD Candidate. Welcome back Sam!
Our collaborative drug screening paper titled, “Systematic pharmacological screens uncover novel pathways involved in cerebral cavernous malformations,” is now available online. Click here to read.
SickKids published a press release for our two recent CCM papers. Click here to read!
Congratulations Ben! Ben Lant, PhD, has successfully stole the cover of Cell Reports where his paper was also published! Read his new paper, Interrogating the ccm-3 Gene Network here!
We said goodbye to Eric Chapman as he officially parted ways with his title as “student” and added Doctor of Philosophy. We wish you luck Eric! Positive things are coming your way.
Swati Pal has said her goodbye’s to the Derry Lab. She is an intelligent and positive woman and we wish her the very best in her future endeavors.
European-Canadian CCM Cure consortium manuscript on small molecule screen for suppressors of CCM phenotypes online now! Find it here.
Let’s give a huge congratulations to Eric Chapman! Or shall we now address him as Dr. Eric Chapman? Eric has successfully defended his PhD. Thesis. All of that hard work paid off. He had a fabulous Defense Seminar with a great turn-out, an audience filled with family, friends and colleagues. Congrats Eric!
Haruka Nishimura and Kaiwen Xia completed their Summer Research Projects. They both participated in the SSuRe Symposium representing their hard work on these amazing, informative posters.
We are saying Adios and Best Wishes to Sara Vaughan, Assistant Research Technologist, who is pursuing her dream to be a Doctor. She has been accepted to University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine program. We wish her the best.
We also are saying a warm goodbye and best of luck to Samuel Krempel, Research Student. He will be starting his Masters of Science with the University of Toronto’s department of Molecular Genetics. His fresh cheesecakes, croissants and ice cream will be missed.
We have welcomed Rachel Webster into our lab as a M.Sc. candidate. She will be co-supervised by Dr. Brent Derry and Dr. Ran Kafri. This has been an exciting collaborative step for the Derry Lab.
Congratulations Brent!
Brent and Mads Daugaard awarded a CIHR project grant on the role of polyadenylation in Ras-driven cancers
This grant is also a collaboration with Dr. Michael Wilson, and Dr. Meredith Irwin.
We would like to welcome Rachel Webster to the Derry Lab! She will be co-supervised by Brent and Dr. Ran Kafri. We are excited to have you join us Rachel!
Abigail Mateo has officially claimed a new title: Doctor of Philosophy. Congratulations Dr. Abi Mateo for all of your hard work and good luck on all your future endeavors. Abi has since successfully secured a position as a Senior Grants Officer in SickKids’ Department of Research Awards and Financial Services. Way to Go Abi!
Dr. Brent Derry is back at SickKids after his Sabbatical term in Berlin, Germany. He was surprised to find an eviction notice on his office door as well as a considerable amount of balloons awaiting his arrival.
Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) new funding for research infrastructure and technology was announced. This funding announcement, awarded through the CFI’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF), represents an investment of more than $52 million in 220 new projects at 51 universities across Canada.
The SickKids-led research projects that received funding included Optogenetic analysis of the molecular pathogenesis of cerebral cavernous malformations using super-resolution ($488,064) led by Dr. Brent Derry.
Congratulations to Brent for receiving the 5-year CIHR grant with Ian Scott to study the genesis of CCM lesions in worms and zebrafish!
Congratulations to Matthew for passing his PhD qualification exam! To cope with the stress of studying Matthew built this beautiful lute.
Welcoming Evelyn to the Derry Lab! We look forward to having her on team CCM (and enjoying her delicious worm cupcakes).
Congratulations Abi for completing 5 years in the Derry lab! Can’t believe it has been over half a decade! Kids in the Derry lab growing fast!
Introducing Derry lab’s logo by Kentaro Derry!
Celebrating Swati Pal’s achievement! Her paper CCM-3 promptes C. elegans germline development by regulating vesicle trafficking cytokinesis and polarity in press at Current Biology.
Congratulations Ben for completing 5 years of service with the Derry Lab!
Derry lab welcomes Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Aishwarya Subramanian!
Congratulations Evan! M.Sc. successfully defended.
Brent promoted to full professor at the University of Toronto.
Derry Lab welcomes Mat Hall back for a summer CREMS internship.
Congratulations to Eric for winning a poster prize at the Collaborative Program in Developmental Biology annual retreat.
Matthew’s review on cell-nonautonomous control of apoptosis in press at CDD.
Derry lab finally defeats Pearson lab in annual curling bonspiel.
Congratulations to Abi and our collaborator Judy Yanowitz. CEP-1/HIM-5 paper in press at Current Biology. The SickKids press release can be found here.
Bin – Happy 10th Anniversary with the Derry lab!
Derry lab welcomes PhD student Matthew Eroglu!
Congratulations to Abi for being awarded a Restracomp fellowship!
Congratulations to Mat Hall for receiving a CREMS award to continue his graduate work on oncogene signaling this summer!
Congratulations to Ben for being awarded a Restracomp fellowship!
Collaborative paper on protein complexes online in Nature!
Congratulations to Eric for being awarded an Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship from NSERC!
Congratulations to Mat for being accepted into U of T medical school
Accepted manuscript in Nature Communications! Congratulations Ben! Click here to read about it!
CIHR Operating grant on germline apoptosis renewed for another 5 years!
Derry Lab welcomes new graduate student Evan Wallace
Derry Lab welcomes new postdoc Dr. Anh Tran
Congratulations to Madhavi – baby on the way
Derry/Scott Labs receive the 2014 Madorom Research Award for our collaborative work on CCM3
Congratulations to Mat and our collaborators in Sylvia Lee’s lab – CEP-1. Paper on lifespan published in PLoS Genetics
Congratulations to Eric and Abigail for receiving poster awards at the Dev Bio retreat!
Derry Lab welcomes summer students Amir Keshvarpour and Matthew Eroglu
Ben’s papers in Cold Spring Harbor Protocols online now
Derry Lab welcomes visiting students Liu Zhen and Ruilin Tian
Congratulations to Eric for passing his reclass exam!
Lab relocates to Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
This video describes our new home
Derry lab receives a generous $5,000 donation from Shawn Mulvihill and his son Jaxon on behalf of Angioma Alliance Canada to go towards our research on cerebral cavernous malformations
Congratulations to Abigail for passing her PhD reclass exam
Congratulations to Ben – Methods review article accepted for publication
Congratulations to Abigail for receiving a CIHR Doctoral Fellowship in partnership with Fanconi Anaemia Canada
Congratulations to our collaborators Gabriel Leprivier and Poul Sorensen (UBC) – Gabriel’s eEF2K paper accepted at Cell!
Derry lab welcomes new graduate student Eric Chapman November 2012: p53 review published in Briefings in Functional Genomics
Derry lab welcomes rotation students Anna Georges and Grace Tong
Happy Birthday Bin!
Derry lab welcomes new postdoc Dr. Swati Pal!
Derry lab welcomes rotation student Eric Chapman
Insulin/Ras apoptosis paper accepted at CDD
The lab welcomes new part-time assistant Lisa Zhao
The lab goes curling!
Derry lab welcomes new graduate students Abigail Mateo and Mat Hall
Derry lab welcomes rotation student Mat Hall
Derry lab welcomes rotation student Zhiyong Yang
Derry lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Ben Lant, rotation student Abigail Mateo, and undergraduate project students Kelly Chin, Yiwei Hu and Alissa Nicolucci
Brent promoted to Associate Professor at U of T
Derry lab welcomes back summer student Steve Forster
Brent talks about the Research and Learning Tower on Daily Planet
Kristie defends her PhD
Derry lab welcomes new postdoctoral fellow Mehran Haeri
Andrew defends his PhD
Shu defends his PhD
Ashley and Michelle’s paper accepted for publication
Brent makes his acting debut: Together We Will
Derry lab welcomes rotation student Vivek Paul
Derry lab welcomes rotation student Tanvi Shekhar
Derry lab welcomes new research associate Madhavi Gunda and rotation student Nicole Liscio
Brent promoted to Senior Scientist!
Three new students join the lab: Peter Xu, Stephen Forster and May Yeo
kri-1 paper published
Insulin signaling grant funded for 5 years
Ashley defends her M.Sc. thesis