Thank you to everyone who helped make

SickKids Rare Disease Day 2025 a success!

Looking forward to next year!

Poster Presentation Winners

Research Category


Identification and characterization of genome-wide tandem repeat expansions in mlanoma

Celine Salhab

Graduate Student – M.Sc. Candidate

Yuen Lab

Runner Up

A DNA methylation signature for Claes-Jensen syndrome: 

Diagnostic Insights into KDM5C variants

Mengqi Wang, PhD

Research Fellow

Weksberg Lab

Clinical / Translational Category

Winners (2 way tie)

Transitions from Pediatric to Adult Care in Adolescents & Young Adults Living with Rare Disease: A scoping review protocol

Sarah Lopes Sadafi

Clinical Research Assistant

Battish & Beattie Labs

Increasing Epilepsy-Related Diagnostic Yield from Short-Read Rapid Genome Sequencing

Jimmy Nguyen

Graduate Student – M.Sc. Candidate

Costain Lab

Oral Presentation Winners


Developing an approach to screening rare

genetic diagnoses for amenability to bespoke antisense

oligonucleotide therapy development 

​David Cheerie

Clinical Research Project Manager

Costain Lab​

Runner Up

Single-vector base editing rescues a nonsense variant in a humanized mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Ryan Marks

Graduate Student – PhD Candidate

Ivakine & Cohn Labs

A big THANK YOU to our sponsors