Purcell PL, Papsin BC, Cushing SL, Gordon KA. (2019) Auditory development in children with hearing loss: A current review. In: Sih T (ed) IAPO Manual of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 17th edition – in press.


Gordon, K.A., Papsin BC, “Measuring auditory outcomes of cochlear implantation in children with behavioral and electrophysiologic tests, Chapter ?, Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Hearing Devices – 2nd edition,” Michael Ruckenstein, Editor, Plural Publishing, Inc., San Diego, USA.

Carr, S., Gordon, K., Papsin, B, “Auditory Development following Cochlear Implantation”, Cochlear Implant, Diamente, V., Pallares, N. Editors- Edimed.


Papsin, B.C., Cushing, S.L., James, A.L., Harrison, R.V., Gordon, K.A. Chapter 10, Questions with no Answers in Pediatric Sensorineural hearing loss, Pediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Clinical Diagnosis and Management to be published by Plural Publishing, Inc


Gordon, K.A. The role of electrophysiologic testing in paediatric cochlear implantation. Chapter 8 in Cochlear Implants in Children: Learning and the Brain, Nancy Young and Karen Kirk, Editors, Springer Publishing Inc. New York, USA., 2016.


Gordon KA. Using cochlear implants to stimulate auditory development,  Chapter 29 in Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology version II, R. Seewald and A. Tharpe, Editors.  Plural Publishing, Inc. San Diego, USA.


Gordon KA, Papsin BC, Measuring auditory outcomes of cochlear implantation in children with behavioral and electrophysiologic tests, Chapter 14, Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Hearing Devices, Michael Ruckenstein, Editor, Plural Publishing, Inc., San Diego.


Gordon KA. Using cochlear implants to stimulate auditory development,  Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology. R. Seewald and J. Gravel, Editors – invited contribution submitted.


Chadha NK, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Cochlear implantation in infants and children: the roles and potential benefits of early detection, early implantation, and bilateral surgery. VII IAPO Manual of  Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology [Ed: T Sih] 2008; pp249-54,  ISBN: 978-85-60209-05-7.