Vivek completed his PhD in Music and Health Sciences at the Faculty of Music at University of Toronto. For his thesis, Vivek used EEG and behavioral testing to characterize the neural substrates of Absolute Pitch, the ability to name musical pitch without an external reference. He is also an avid professional musician who enjoys martial arts, skiing, camping, and computer programming in his free time.
Contact Information
Lab phone: 416-813-6683
Carly’s research focuses on understanding how the brain reorganizes during deafness and after cochlear implantation and how it impacts a person’s ability to hear with their cochlear implant. Her research has involved using a brain imaging method called fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy) to understand the interaction between hearing and visual speech (lip reading) in adult CI users. At SickKids, Carly will be working in collaboration with researchers at the Sunnybrook Research Institute and will use EEG and behavioural tests to look at brain reorganization and audio-visual processing in children using cochlear implants.
Prior to joining SickKids, Carly worked as a Research Programme Manager at the UK charity Action on Hearing Loss. Her grandparents were congenitally deaf, and she continues to improve her British Sign Language skills. Carly is committed to communicating research to the public in an accessible way and ensuring that people with hearing loss are at the centre of her work.
Websites: Carly Anderson’s Profile and Linkedin
Prior to beginning her research career, Hillary received a BA in linguistics from McGill University and an MA in speech-language pathology from Northwestern University. She worked clinically as a speech-language pathologist and certified auditory-verbal therapist at the Cora Barclay Centre in Australia and in the cochlear implant clinic at Johns Hopkins. Hillary also volunteers with the Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss, training interventionists in Vietnam.
Her research interest is in brain plasticity following audio-vestibular sensory loss and recovery. Dr.Lee’s research involved using PET(FDG and O-15 water), fMRI and structural brain imaging. Her previous works have revealed the clinical application of cross-modal plasticity in deaf CI users and cortical mechanism of vestibular compensation in patients with unilateral vestibular loss.
Hyo-Jeong was awarded the Polizer prize (2011) with an O-15 water PET study about audio-visual processing in CI users. She serves for the Korean Society of Otology and is a member of the Korean Human Brain Mapping Society. She is also a proud mother of two amazing boys.
Ji-Hye Han, Hyo-Jeong Lee (correspondence), Hyejin Kang, Seung-Ha Oh, Dong Soo Lee. Brain Plasticity Can Predict the Cochlear Implant Outcome in Adult-Onset Deafness. Front Hum Neurosci. 2019; 13: 38. Published online 2019 Feb 19. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00038
Hyo GeunChoi, GibbeumKim, Byeong Joon Kim, Sung Kwang Hong, Hyung-Jong Kim, Hyo-Jeong Lee. How rare is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in children? A review of 20 cases and their epidemiology.
Ji-Hye Han, Dong-Woon Yi, Jihyun Lee, Won-Du Chang, Hyo-Jeong Lee. Development of a Smartphone-Based Digits-in-Noise Test in Korean: a Hearing Screening Tool for Speech Perception in Noise. J Korean Med Sci. 2020 Jun 1; 35(21): e163
Jihyun Lee, Ji-Hye Han and Hyo-Jeong Lee. Long-Term Musical Training Alters Auditory Cortical Activity to the Frequency Change. Front Hum Neurosci. 21 August 2020
Do cochlear implants restore bilateral cortical representation in children with single-sided deafness? International Hearing Loss Conference, May 2019, Niagara-on-the-lake, Canada
The importance of consistent cochlear use on cortical plasticity in children with single-sided deafness. CIAP 2019, July 2019, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
Homira is a clinically-focused researcher with interests in the areas of auditory pathologies, cochlear implants, auditory and visual perception, effortful listening and auditory rehabilitation. In her predoctoral work, she focused on understanding the interplay of auditory and cognitive processes in speech perception. Homira investigated how children decode and process speech under conditions of auditory and cognitive challenge. Her dissertation work emphasized that the ear does not work in isolation from the rest of the brain; higher-order cognitive functions associated with memory, attention, and speed of processing serve an important role in understanding speech. Homira is currently extending on this concept by defining adaptive and maladaptive types of plasticity arising from attention and vision in children with hearing loss and using cortical measures to evaluate cochlear implant and hearing aid device efficacy.
As a clinical audiologist and neuroscientist, Homira is highly interested in knowledge translation in healthcare. She completed the Pacific Science Communication Fellowship in Translational Medicine, TL1 Translational Research Training Program, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities Fellowship and most recently the Scientist Knowledge Translation Training at the Hospital for Sick Children. Homira hopes to continue her pursuit of translational science by using patient interactions and outcomes to drive her research questions and ultimately improve the quality of life of children and adults with hearing loss.
Homira currently serves on the Canadian Academy of Audiology Scientific Education Committee and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention Program Committee (Intervention/Rehabilitation for Adults with Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, and Balance Disorders).
In her PhD work, she investigated the use of auditory evoked potentials as an objective outcome measure in hearing aid users, mainly intended for use in infants with hearing loss. Her work focused on speech-evoked envelope following responses, cortical auditory evoked potentials, and hearing aid signal processing interactions with stimuli used for auditory electrophysiology.
Prior to her PhD, Viji worked as a paediatric audiologist in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, UK and as an audiologist at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, UK. Viji obtained her M.Sc. (clinical and thesis) in Audiology from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton, Southampton, England, UK and her B.Sc. from the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, India. Viji serves as the Director of Research of Audiology India, a non-profit, non-government organization that aims to improve hearing health care in India, and is a member of the Science and Education committee of the Canadian Academy of Audiology.
Viji’s interests include outcome measures in children with hearing loss and the use of auditory electrophysiology as a diagnostic and outcome measure in children with hearing loss, who wear hearing aids or use cochlear implants. Her current work is in the area of binaural hearing and its electrophysiological correlates in children with bilateral cochlear implants.
Awards and Funding:
Postdoctoral fellowship program/ Research Training Competition (RESTRACOMP)
Ear and Hearing editor’s award for outstanding research article in 2015
Student travel award, Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2016
Endorsed as Western University’s candidate for the Proquest Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation award in Biology and Life Sciences category.
Travel award, Society for Ear, Nose, & Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC) 2015
Travel award, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prosthesis (CIAP) 2015
Student Award Winner, 8th International Symposium on Objective measures in Auditory Implants, Toronto, Canada
NIDCD Travel award, Academy Research Conference, AudiologyNow! 2014
Student Research Award (top five of 40 projects), American Academy of Audiology, AudiologyNow!
Public Service Alliance of Canada Local 610 Academic Achievement Scholarship
Faculty of Health Sciences Award, The University of Western Ontario
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Travel award, The University of Western Ontario
Nominated for Graduate Student Teaching award 2013
Graduate Thesis Research Fund, The University of Western Ontario
Faculty of Health Sciences Award, Western University
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Travel Award, Western University
P.E. Doak best student award of the year in M.Sc. Audiology in Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, UK
Easwar V, Purcell DW, Aiken SJ, Parsa V, Scollie SD. (2015). Evaluation of speech-evoked envelope following responses as an objective aided outcome measure: effect of stimulus level, bandwidth, and amplification in adults with hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 36(6), 635-652. Paper won the 2015 Ear and Hearing Editors.
Award for outstanding contribution to literature on hearing and balance.
Easwar V, Purcell DW, Aiken SJ, Parsa V, Scollie SD. (2015). Effect of stimulus level and bandwidth on speech-evoked envelope following responses in adults with normal hearing. Ear and Hearing, 36(6), 619-634.
Easwar V, Beamish L, Aiken S, Choi JM, Scollie S, and Purcell D. (2015) Sensitivity of speech evoked envelope following responses to vowel polarity. Hearing Research, 320, 38-50.
Glista D, Scollie S, Moodie S, and Easwar V. The network of pediatric audiologists in Canada. (2014) The Ling 6(HL) Test: Typical pediatric performance data and clinical use evaluation. Journal of American Academy of Audiology, 25(10), 1008-1021.
Easwar V, Boothalingam S, Chundu S, Manchaiah VK, and Ismail S. (2013). Audiological practice in India: an internet-based survey of audiologists. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 65(S3), S636-S644.
Glista D, Easwar V, Purcell D, and Scollie S. (2012). A pilot study on cortical auditory evoked potentials in children: aided CAEPs reflect improved high-frequency audibility with frequency compression hearing aid technology. International Journal of Otolaryngology, Special Issue Hearing aids and the Brain, 2012.
Easwar V, Purcell D, and Scollie S. (2012). Electroacoustic comparison of hearing aid output of phonemes in running speech versus isolation: implications for aided cortical auditory evoked potentials testing. International Journal of Otolaryngology, Special Issue Hearing aids and the Brain, 2012.
Easwar V, Glista D, Purcell D, and Scollie S. (2012). Hearing aid processing changes tone burst onset: effect on cortical auditory evoked potentials in individuals with normal audiometric thresholds. American Journal of Audiology, 21(1), 82-90.
Easwar V, Glista, D, Purcell D, and Scollie S. (2012). The effect of stimulus choice on cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEP): Consideration of speech segment positioning within naturally produced speech. International Journal of Audiology, 51(12), 926-931.
Technical Reports:
Scollie S, Bagatto M, Moodie S, Seewald R, Hyde M, Weber S, Martin V, Glista D, Tharpe AM, Crukley J, Easwar V, Hawkins M, Levy C, Zimmo S, Moodie S, Richert F, and Parsa V. (2014) Protocol for the provision of amplification. Ontario Infant Hearing Program.
Easwar V. (2012) Incorporating problem-based learning in Audiology curricula: sowing seeds for problem solving & self-directed learning. Capstone Project, Teaching Support Center, The University of Western Ontario.
Scollie S, Easwar V, and Bagatto M. (2012) Evaluation of the intelligent hearing systems Baby Isao simulated patient. Technical report for the Ontario Infant Hearing Program for use of Baby Isao as a training tool for Audiologists.
Easwar V. (2016, Sep) Objective outcome measures of hearing aid fittings. 33rd World Congress of Audiology – Vancouver, Canada (Invited).
Easwar V. (2016, May) Using envelope following responses as a hearing aid outcome measure. Frequency Following Workshop – Boston University, Boston, USA. (Invited).
Easwar V, Deighton M, Yamazaki H, Polonenko M, Papsin B, Gordon K. (2016, Feb) Cortical representation of bilaterally presented sounds in children with two cochlear implants. Poster to be presented at the 2016 Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeting, San Diego, USA.
Easwar V, SanfilippoJ, Papsin B, Gordon K. (2015, Dec) Cochlear implant datalogging reveals the practical challenges of CI use in children: the frequent coil-off. Podium presentation – Society for Ear, Nose, & Throat Advances in Children, San Antonio, USA.
Easwar V, Deighton M, Abbasalipour P, Papsin B, Gordon K. (2015, Jul) Cortical detection of interaural timing and level cues in children with bilateral cochlear implants. Poster presented at the Conference on Implantable Auditory Prosthesis, Lake Tahoe, USA.
Easwar V, Deighton M, Papsin B, Gordon K. (2015, May) Cortical processing of bilateral stimuli in children with bilateral cochlear implants and normal hearing. Podium presentation – 24th Annual Percy Ireland Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Easwar V, Purcell D, Aiken S, and Scollie S. (2014, Oct) Evaluation of envelope following responses as an objective hearing aid outcome measure. Poster presented at the 8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, Toronto, Canada.
Easwar V, Beamish L, Aiken S, Scollie S, amd Purcell D. (2014, May) Sensitivity of envelope following responses to vowel polarity. Poster presented at the Frequency Following Response workshop, University College, London, England.
Easwar V, Purcell D, Aiken S, and Scollie S. (2014, Mar) Use of speech-evoked envelope following responses as a hearing aid outcome measure. Podium presentation at the Student Research Forum, American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNow!, Orlando, USA.
Easwar V, Purcell D, Aiken S, and Scollie S. (2014, Mar) Sensitivity of speech-evoked envelope following responses to level, bandwidth, and amplification. Poster presented at the Academy Research Conference (Hearing aids and the Brain), American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNow!, Orlando, USA.
Easwar V, Purcell D, Aiken S, and Scollie S. (2014, Feb) Sensitivity of speech-evoked envelope following responses to level and amplification in normal hearing and hearing impaired adults. Poster presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology conference, San Diego, USA.
Easwar V, Purcell D, Aiken S, Choi J, and Scollie, S. (2013, Jun). Envelope following responses (EFRs) using modified speech stimuli for hearing aid evaluation. Poster presented at the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group, New Orleans, USA.
Easwar V, Purcell D, and Scollie S. (2012, Aug). Exploration of hearing aid gain characteristics during aided cortical auditory evoked potentials testing. Poster presented at the International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, USA.
Easwar V, Khurana T, and Vanaja CS. (2006, Jan) Objective estimation of loudness discomfort level using auditory brainstem response. Poster presented at the Indian Speech and Hearing Conference, Ahmedabad, India.
Selected Publications:
Yamazaki H, Jaime L, Briggs R, Naito Y. Usefulness of MRI and EABR testing for predicting CI outcomes immediately after cochlear implantation in cases with cochlear nerve deficiency. Otol Neurotol. 2015 Otol Neurotol. 2015 Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Yamazaki H, Naito Y, Fujiwara K, Moroto S, Yamamoto R, Yamazaki T, Sasaki I. EABR-based evaluation of the spatial distribution of auditory neuronal tissue in common cavity deformities. Otol Neurotol. 2014; 35:1394-402
Yamazaki H, O’Leary S, Moran M, Briggs, R. Comprehensive analysis of cochlear implant failure: usefulness of clinical symptom-based algorithm combined with in situ integrity testing. Otol Neurotol. 2014; 35:605-612.
Yamazaki H, Naito Y, Moroto S, Tamaya R, Yamazaki T, Fujiwara K, Ito J. SLC26A4 p.Thr410Met homozygous mutation in a patient with a cystic cochlea and an enlarged vestibular aqueduct showing characteristic features of incomplete partition type I and II. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;78(12):2322-2326
Kishimoto I, Yamazaki H (equally contributed 1st author), Naito Y, Shinohara S, Fujiwara K, Kikuchi M, Kanazawa Y, Tona R, Harada H. Clinical features of rapidly progressive bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Acta Otolaryngol. 2014 Jan;134(1):58-65.
Yamazaki H, Yamamoto R, Moroto S, Yamazaki T, Fujiwara K, Nakai M, Ito J, Naito Y. Cochlear implantation in children with congenital cytomegalovirus infection accompanied by psycho-neurological disorders. Acta Otolaryngol. 2012 Apr;132(4):420-7.
Yamazaki H, Sekiguchi M, Takamatsu M, Tanabe Y, Nakanishi S. Distinct ontogenic and regional expressions of newly identified Cajal-Retzius cell-specific genes during neocorticogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Oct 5;101(40):14509-14.
Hopyan T, Peretz I, Chan LP, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. (2012) Children using cochlear implants capitalize on acoustical hearing for music perception. Front Psychol. 2012;3:425. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00425. Epub 2012 Oct 22.
Hopyan T, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. (2011) Identifying emotions in music through electrical hearing in deaf children using cochlear implants. Cochlear Implants International, 12(1):21-6.
Hopyan T, Gordon KA, Papsin BC, MacDonald L. Children with hearing loss learn to enjoy singing through vocal training. Oral presentation: 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, May 12-15, Athens, Greece. E017 in International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 75: 64.
Hopyan T, Gordon KA, Dennis M, Papsin BC. (2009). Recognition of Affective Speech Prosody and Faces in Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants. Child Neuropsychology, 15, 136-146.
Conferences, Presentations and Symposiums:
2011 – Hopyan T, Gordon KA, Papsin BC, What are children using cochlear implants hearing in music? Oral presentation for 13th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Chicago, IL, July 14-16.
2011 – Hopyan T, Gordon KA, Papsin BC, Adolescents with hearing loss benefit from vocal training, poster presentation for 13th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Chicago, IL, July 14-16.
2011 – Hopyan T, Gordon KA, Papsin BC, MacDonald L. Children with hearing loss learn to enjoy singing through vocal training. Oral presentation: 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, May 12-15, Athens, Greece. E017 in International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 75: 64.
2010 – Hopyan T, Papsin BC, Gordon KA, Multi-Sensory Information Enhances Speech Perception in Children using Cochlear Implants, Oral presentation, 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, June 30 – July 3, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
2009 – Hopyan T, Papsin BC, Gordon KA, Music Appreciation in Children with Cochlear Implants, 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 2009.
2007 – Hopyan-Misakyan TM, Gordon KA, Dennis M, Papsin BC. Identification of emotion in music in children with early onset deafness who use cochlear implants, International Workshop on the Biology and Genetics of Music, Bologna, Italy, May 20-22, 2007.
2010 – Talar Hopyan, Andrew Sass-Kortsak Fellowship Award, (for outstanding work as a Post-doctoral Fellow), The Hospital for Sick Children
2009 – Talar Hopyan, Blue Ribbon Award, Divison 40, Neuropsychology American Psychological Association
2009 – Talar Hopyan, Post-doctoral Fellowship Award, SickKids Research Institute
Contact Information
Rebecca’s research focused on studying a device that aims to provide children who have both hearing and balance impairment with balance information through their cochlear implants. In her spare time, Rebecca likes to play the saxophone, listen to music, and participate in intramural sports.
Claire studied the development of spatial awareness and navigation deficits in children with hearing loss and will be looking at how these deficits affect the vestibular, memory and cognitive abilities of children with bilateral cochlear implants and single sided deafness. In her free time Claire enjoys painting, working out and cooking.
Daniel’s research looked at EEG source localization and functional connectivity children with cochlear implant users. Outside of the lab, he can be found on the squash court or playing the guitar.
Selected Abstracts:
Smieja, D., Dunkley, B., Papsin, B., Gordon, K. Characterizing Cortical Auditory Networks in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users using Electroencephalography; Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, USA, May 2018 [Invited Talk]
Smieja, D., Gordon, K. Functional Imaging in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users Using EEG; 8th annual Midwest Conference on Cochlear Implants, Madison, USA, 2017 [Talk]
Smieja, D., Dunkley, B., Papsin, B., Gordon, K. Functional Connectivity of Listening Networks in Experienced Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users; Conference on Implantable Auditory Prosthesis, Tahoe City, USA, 2017 [Poster]
Melissa completed her Master’s of Clinical Science in Audiology at the National Centre for Audiology at The University of Western Ontario. Under supervision from Dr. Susan Scollie and Dr. Richard Seewald, she evaluated speech production of children with high frequency hearing loss who use nonlinear frequency compression hearing aids, and evaluated a hearing aid prescription algorithm for use in adults. Melissa also completed her Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Honours) from the University of Western Ontario in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. She completed her thesis on the regulation of gonadotropin releasing hormone type I receptor (GnRH-RI) activity during placentation in humans with Dr. Andy Babwah.
Melissa’s research interests involve auditory development and binaural hearing in children with asymmetric hearing loss who use both a cochlear implant and a hearing aid (bimodal hearing) to hear. She is also evaluating the functional benefit of bimodal listening for music perception. She is also involved in clinical research within the Departments of Communication Disorders and Otolaryngology at SickKids and she volunteers on the Science and Education committee for the Canadian Academy of Audiology.
Selected Awards and Funding:
Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Fellowship
Best Podium Paper Presentation, World Congress of Audiology
International Society of Audiology Student Scholarship
Gordon Research Seminar and Conference: Auditory Plasticity – Scholarship
Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) – Travel award
SickKids Clinician-Scientist Training Program (CSTP)
SickKids Research Training Competition Studentship (RESTRACOMP) – Ranked 1st
Ontario Graduate Scholarship – PhD
Hilda and William Courtney CLAYTON Paediatric Research Fund
Conference on Implantable Auditory Prosthesis (CIAP) 2015 – Travel Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarship – PhD
University of Toronto Conference Grant
Student Award, 8th International Symposium in Objective Measures in Auditory Implants
Poster Award, 8th International Symposium in Objective Measures in Auditory Implants
Hilda and William Courtney Clayton Paediatric Research Fund
Award for outstanding poster abstract – 1st ranked poster, The Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC), Long Beach – California USA
University of Toronto Fellowship, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto – Ontario
Travel Award – Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC)
Institute of Medical Science Entrance Award, University of Toronto, Toronto – Ontario
Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists Horizon Award, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton – Alberta
Alberta Rehabilitation Coordinating Counsel Sunrise Award, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton – Alberta
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship (NSERC PGS M), The University of Western Ontario, London – Ontario
International Hearing Aid Conference (IHCON) Student Scholarship, Lake Tahoe – California USA
CALSPA Student Excellence Award, The University of Western Ontario, London – Ontario
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Selected Manuscripts:
Polonenko MJ, Cushing SL, Gordon KA, Allemang B, Jewell S, Papsin BC. Stimulation parameters differ between current anti- and peri-modiolar electrode arrays implanted within the same child. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 2016; Oct 14: 1-15. doi:10.1017/S0022215116009026. Abstract
Polonenko MJ, Carinci L, Gordon KA, Papsin BC, Cushing SL. Hearing benefit and rated satisfaction in children with unilateral conductive hearing loss using a transcutaneous magnetic coupled bone conduction hearing aid. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 2016; 27(10): in press,
Giannantonio S*, Polonenko MJ* (*co-first authors), Papsin BC, Paludetti G, Gordon K. Experience changes how emotion in music is judged: evidence from children listening with bilateral cochlear implants, bimodal devices, and normal hearing. Plos ONE, 2015; 10(8):e0136685. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136685.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. The effects of asymmetric hearing on bilateral brainstem function: findings in children with bimodal (electric and acoustic) hearing. Audiology & Neurotology. 2015; 20 Suppl 1:13-20. doi: 10.1159/000380743. PDF
Polonenko MJ, Scollie SD, Moodie S, Seewald RC, Laurnagaray D, Shantz J, Richards A (2010). Fit to targets, preferred listening levels, and self-reported outcomes for the DSL v5.0a hearing aid prescription for adults. International Journal of Audiology, 49(8), 550-560.
Glista D, Scollie S, Polonenko MJ, Sulkers J (2009). A comparison of performance in children with nonlinear frequency compression systems. The Hearing Review, November 2009, 22-27.
Selected Presentations:
Polonenko MJ, Giannantonio S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Music training improves music perception in children using bilateral cochlear implants or bimodal devices. 33rd World Congress of Audiology, September 21, 2016. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Cortical development requires symmetric access to sound in each ear: evidence from children with bilateral cochlear implants and bimodal auditory prostheses. Gordon Research Seminar and Conference: Auditory and Vestibular Systems: Periphery to Perception, July 10, 2016.
Polonenko MJ, Giannantonio S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Music training improves perception of emotion and music in children using bilateral cochlear implants or bimodal devices. 14th International Conference on Cochlear Implants (ACI), May 11-14, 2016. Toronto, ON.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Pediatric bimodal users: who are they? 14th International Conference on Cochlear Implants (ACI), May 11-14, 2016. Toronto, ON.
Polonenko MJ. Management of children with asymmetric hearing loss panel: Underlying physiology of binaural stimulation and the effects of asymmetric hearing loss. 42ndannual meeting of the Society of Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC), December 4-6, 2015. San Antonio, TX, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Expanding audiological criteria for implantation: bimodal hearing. Pre-Conference Workshop: Cochlear Implants – Emerging Advances in Clinical and Research Audiology. Canadian Academy of Audiology 2015 Annual Conference and Exhibition, October 21, 2015. Niagara Falls, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Giannantonio S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Residual hearing helps children with cochlear implants rely less on tempo cues to judge emotion in music. 2015 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Canadian Academy of Audiology, October 23, 2015. Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, McKnight CL, Gordon KA. Can bimodal hearing protect bilateral auditory development? Evidence from NIC2 recordings. Invited presentation at NIC Workshop at the 2015 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses. July 14, 2015. Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Jewell SJ. Auditory brainstem development and MAP parameters in children receiving 422 and Freedom electrode arrays in a simultaneous bilateral implant procedure. Cochlear Implant Research Noon Rounds, December 17, 2014, Toronto, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Jiwani S, Papsin B, Gordon K. Cortical benefits of bimodal hearing in children with asymmetric hearing loss. 14th Symposium on Cochlear Implant sin Children. December 12, 2014. Nashville, TN, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Cushing SL, Jewell S, Gordon KA. Electrophysiological predictions of map parameters using the 422 and Freedom electrode arrays. 14th Symposium on Cochlear Implant sin Children. December 13, 2014. Nashville, TN, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Carinci L, Cushing SL, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Transcutaneous bone conduction devices demonstrate benefit in children with unilateral hearing loss. 42ndannual meeting of the Society of Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC), December 5, 2014. St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Cushing SL, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Habilitating Asymmetric Hearing Loss in Children. SENTAC PreMeeting Symposia on Unilateral Hearing Loss. Invited presentation. December 4, 2014. St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin B, Gordon KA. Asymmetric auditory brainstem development and function in children with bimodal (electric and acoustic) hearing. 8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, October 17, 2014. Toronto, Canada. Award winner.
Polonenko MJ, Jiwani S, Papsin B, Gordon KA. Can we preserve bilateral symmetry in the developing auditory cortex with electric and acoustic (bimodal) hearing? 8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, October 18, 2014. Toronto, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Carinci L, Cushing S, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Functional outcomes in children who were implanted with a new transcutaneous bone conduction device. 23rd Percy Ireland Academic Day, May 9, 2014. Toronto, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Giannantonio S. A tale of two ears (and two cities). March 19, 2014. Cochlear Implant Research Noon Rounds, Toronto, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Gordon KA, Cushing SL, Papsin BC. Can the new 422 cochlear implant electrode array preserve hearing while working as efficiently as the Freedom array? 41st annual meeting of the Society of Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC), December 7, 2014. Long Beach, USA.
Cushing SL, Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. The future of cochlear implantation: bimodal hearing in children? 2nd Dubai Otology, Neurotology & Skull Base Surgery Conference, September 21 2013. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Papsin BC, Polonenko MJ. Hearing preservation in children with cochlear implants: long odds. Electro-Acoustic Symposium. August 15, 2013. Las Vegas, USA.
Polonenko MJ. Is there a mismatch in auditory brainstem development with combined electric and acoustic hearing in children? June 19, 2013. Cochlear Implant Research Noon Rounds, Toronto, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Can the new 422 cochlear implant electrode array preserve hearing while working as efficiently as the Freedom array? 22nd Percy Ireland Academic Day, May 10, 2013. Toronto, Canada.
Qi L, Schmidt B, Hendson L, Packford K, Ryan M, Wiley M, Howarth T, Polonenko MJ, Zhang M. Improving hearing screening of NICU babies using 1000 Hz tympanometry. 38th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists (CASLPA). April 27, 2013. Victoria, Canada.
Gordon KA, Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC. Cochlear implantation in children with asymmetric hearing loss. 40th annual meeting of the Society of Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC), December 2, 2012. Charleston, USA.
Packford KJ, Zhang M, Schmidt B, Polonenko MJ, Woo K, Kremer J. Remote ABR via Telehealth: improving patient access to audiology services. 37th annual conference of the Canadian Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists (CASLPA). May 11, 2012. St. John’s, Canada.
Polonenko MJ (2012). Children with hearing loss: What Therapist Assistants need to know. Therapist Assistant Program, Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton – Alberta.
Selected Poster Presentations:
Polonenko MJ, Cushing SL, Gordon KA, Allemang B, Jewell S, Papsin BC. Stimulation parameters and hearing outcomes after insertion of peri- and anti-modiolar electrode arrays implanted within the same child. 2016 Annual Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS) Meeting, August 30, 2016. Bordeaux, France.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Cortical development requires symmetric access to sound in each ear: evidence from children with bilateral cochlear implants and bimodal auditory prostheses. Gordon Research Seminar and Conference: The Plastic and Dynamic Auditory System, July 11-15, 2016.
Polonenko MJ, Deighton MR, Abbasalipour P, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Perception of binaural level and timing cues in children with early bimodal use compared to bilaterally implanted children. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Conference, February 20-24, 2016 San Diego, USA.
Easwar V, Deighton M, Yamazaki H, Polonenko MJ, Papsin B Gordon, K Cortical representation of bilaterally presented sounds in children with two cochlear implants. Poster to be presented at the 2016 Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeting. February 20-24, 2016 San Diego, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin B, Gordon K. Developmental protection of aural preference in children with asymmetric hearing loss through bimodal hearing. 2015 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses. July 13, 2015. Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.
Yamazaki H, Jiwani S, Wong DDE, Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Development of cortical specialization to pure tone listening in children and adolescents with normal hearing. 2015 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses. July 13, 2015. Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.
Polonenko Mj, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Protecting auditory cortical development in children with asymmetric hearing loss through bimodal hearing. Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN) Annual Research Day, June 19, 2015. Toronto, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Cushing SL, Gordon KA, Allemang B, Papsin BC. Are stimulation parameters equivalent for the Freedom and 422 electrode arrays? 14th Symposium on Cochlear Implant sin Children. December 11, 2014. Nashville, TN, USA.
Morrison Steel, Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Listening advantages of early intervention for bilateral deafness in children. 8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants (no. 5415), October 16, 2014. Toronto, Canada. First place award winner.
Polonenko MJ, Cushing SL, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Simultaneous bilateral implantation of Freedom and 422 in children: is there equipoise between the devices? 13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, abstract no. A-624-0016-00977, June 19, 2014. Munich, Germany.
Polonenko MJ, Carinci L, Cushing SL, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Clinical benefit to implanting a new transcutaneous bone conduction device in children. 41st annual meeting of the Society of Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC), December 6, 2013. Long Beach, USA. First Place Award Winner
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Auditory brainstem development with combined acoustic and electric hearing in children with asymmetric hearing loss. Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN) Annual Research Day, June 10, 2013. Toronto, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Is there a mismatch in auditory brainstem development with combined acoustic and electric hearing in children who have asymmetric hearing loss? Institute of Medical Science (IMS) Annual Research Day, May 28, 2013. Toronto, Canada.
Sulkers J, Glista D, Polonenko MJ, Scollie S. The effect of nonlinear frequency compression on the imitation of English fricatives measured as a function of acclimatization time. 5th annual meeting of A Sound Foundation through Early Amplification, November 2010. Chicago, USA.
Polonenko MJ, Scollie S, Glista D, Bagatto M, Seewald R, Kertoy M, Seelisch A. Speech production in children with high frequency hearing loss who wear hearing ids containing nonlinear frequency compression. 11th annual conference of the Canadian Academy of Audiology, October 2008. Halifax, NS. First Place Award Winner.
Seelisch A, Scollie S, Parsa V, Polonenko MJ, Glista D. The effect of frequency compression signal processing on sound quality: clinical applicability. 11th annual conference of the Canadian Academy of Audiology, October 2008. Halifax, NS.
Polonenko MJ, Scollie S, Glista D, Bagatto M, Seewald R, Kertoy M, Seelisch A. Effects of nonlinear frequency compression on speech production in children with high frequency hearing loss. International Hearing Aid Conference, August 2008. Lake Tahoe, USA. Student Award Winner.
Polonenko MJ, Scollie S, Glista D, Bagatto M, Seewald R, Kertoy M, Seelisch A. Evaluation of frequency compression: effects on speech production in children. 4th annual meeting of A Sound Foundation through Early Amplification, December 2007. Chicago, USA.
Seelisch A, Scollie S, Parsa V, Glista D, Polonenko MJ, Huber R. Sound quality measurement in innovative hearing aid technologies. 10th annual conference of the Canadian Academy of Audiology, October 2007. Niagara Falls, Canada.
Polonenko MJ, Babwah A. Regulation of gonadotropin releasing hormone type I receptor (GnRH-RI) activity during placentation in humans. Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry Physiology and Pharmacology Undergraduate Annual Poster Symposium, April 2006. London, Canada.
Ellen’s research project looks at coordinating the left and right cochlear implant for children with two cochlear implants to ensure balance in level and frequency between the two ears. She hopes to encourage the field of audiology in the direction of integrating neuroscience into clinical practice. Outside of school, Ellen is a long-distance runner, a horse-back rider, and a Canadian fiction enthusiast. She’s since moved on to pursue clinical experience as an audiologist.
Joshua’s graduate research project looked at myogenic potentials that are thought to be the result of the spread of the cochlear implant’s electrical energy to the vestibular system. Using electrophysiological techniques in conjunction with visual perception tests, he aimed to clearly characterize these responses and examine the impact of this inadvertent and traditionally unwanted stimulation on children using cochlear implants. Joshua was also an active member of the Institute of Medical Science Student Association (IMSSA) Executive Council and he enjoys teaching the piano in his spare time.
Selected Awards:
Institute of Medical Science Entrance Award, University of Toronto
2015 – School of Graduate Studies conference grant
2015/16 – Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
Selected Presentations:
Parkes WJ, Gnanasegaram JJ, Cushing SL, McKnight CL, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Restoration of Clinically Absent Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials Using Electrical Stimulation from Cochlear Implants. Podium presentation at the Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting. 2016 January; Miami Beach, Florida.
Gnanasegaram JJ, Parkes WJ, Cushing SL, McKnight CL, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Electrical stimulation from a cochlear implant shifts the perception of visual vertical toward normal in children. Podium presentation at the Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC) Annual Meeting. 2015 December; San Antonio, Texas.
Papsin BC, Gnanasegaram JJ, Parkes WJ, Cushing SL, McKnight CL, Gordon KA. Stimulating the vestibular system with cochlear implants in children. Podium presentation at the Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS) Meeting. 2015 August; San Francisco, California.
Gnanasegaram JJ, Parkes WJ, Cushing SL, McKnight CL, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Myogenic responses from the vestibular system can be evoked using electrical stimulation from a cochlear implant. Poster session presented at the 2015 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP). 2015 Jul 14; Lake Tahoe, California.
Gnanasegaram JJ, Parkes WJ, Cushing SL, McKnight CL, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Electrical current from a cochlear implant can stimulate the vestibular system. Poster session presented at the 2015 Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN) Research Day. 2015 June 19; Toronto, ON.
Parkes WJ, Gnanasegaram JJ, Cushing SL, McKnight CL, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Electrically-evoked vestibular potentials in children with cochlear implants. Podium presentation at the 24th Annual Percy Ireland Academic Day. 2015 May 8; Toronto, ON.
Gnanasegaram JJ, Parkes WJ. Characterizing vestibular potentials in children with cochlear implants. Archie’s Cochlear Implant Lab Noon Rounds. 2015 Feb 18; Toronto, ON.
Salima Jiwani successfully defended her PhD in December 2014 at the Institute of Medical Sciences and collaborative program in Neuroscience at the University of Toronto.
She joined the Cochlear Implant Lab in 2010 after completing a clinical Master of Science in Clinical Audiology and a Master Thesis at the School of Human Communication Disorders at Dalhousie University, where she investigated the use of a paired-click stimulus paradigm in the auditory brainstem response test to detect Vestibular Schwannomas more reliably. Salima Jiwani also holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and French from the University of Toronto.
Salima’s research explored the long-term development of the auditory system and the neural networks that are activated by auditory input in adolescents who are deaf and have used a cochlear implant to hear for most of their lives.
Selected Awards and Development Funding:
Audiologist Travel Award, NIH NIDCD, Association for Research in otolaryngology 37th MidWinter Meeting
Graduate Student Travel Award, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prosthesis-
Best Presentation Award, Graduate Students Category, Percy Ireland Day, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Toronto, Ontario
Podium Presenter Travel Award, NIH NIDCD, American Academy of Audiology – Academy Research Conference
Trainee Student Travel Award, The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation
Audiologist Travel Award, NIH NIDCD, Association for Research in otolaryngology 36th MidWinter Meeting
SickKids Clinician-Scientist Training Program (CSTP) Studentship
SickKids Research Training Competition Studentship (RESTRACOMP) – Ranked 1st
Post-Graduate Medical Award (PGME), University of Toronto
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
University of Toronto Fellowship, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
Margaret & Howard Gamble Research Grant
Hilda & William Courtney Clayton Paediatric Research Fund Fellowship
Institute of Medical Science Entrance Award, University of Toronto
Health Professional Student Research Award, Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship, Dalhousie University, Halifax – Nova Scotia
Selected Publications:
Gordon KA, Jiwani S, Papsin BC. (2013). Benefits and detriments of unilateral cochlear implant use on bilateral auditory development in children who are deaf. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(719): 1-14 Abstract
Jiwani S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. (2013). Central auditory development after long-term cochlear implant use, Clinical Neurophysiology, 124: 1868-1880 Abstract
Gordon KA, Jiwani S, Papsin BC. (2011). What is the optimal timing for bilateral cochlear implantation in children? Cochlear Implants International, 12(2): S8-S14. Abstract
Chadha NK, Papsin BC, Jiwani S, Gordon KA. (2011). Speech detection in noise and spatial unmasking in children with simultaneous versus sequential bilateral cochlear implants. Otology Neurotology, 32(7): 1054-64. Abstract
Jiwani S. (2009). The paired-click Auditory Brainstem Response for the detection of Vestibular Schwannomas. Dalhousie University, Halifax-N.S., Canada. Master’s of Science Thesis
Harrison RV, Sharma A, Brown T, Jiwani S, James AL. (2008) Amplitude modulation of DPOAEs by acoustic stimulation of the contralateral ear. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 128 (4), 404-407. Abstract.
Selected Presentations:
Jiwani S, Doesburg SM, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. (February 2014). Temporally coordinated activity in the brain is promoted by long-term cochlear implant use in children. Association for Research in Otolaryngology 37th MidWinter Meeting, San Diego-CA, USA
Gordon KA, Jiwani S, Wong D, and Papsin BC. (November 2013). Does unilateral cochlear implant use promote cortical development at the expense of pathways from the unstimulated ear? 1st Global Otology Research Forum, Antalya, Turkey
Jiwani S. (October 2013). Understanding brain responses in adolescents who are new bilateral cochlear implant users. 4th Annual MidWest Conference Miniconference on Cochlear Implants, Madison-WI, USA. Podium
Jiwani S., Papsin BC, and Gordon KA. (May 2013). Long durations of unilateral cochlear implant use do not protect the un-stimulated pathways from effects of auditory deprivation. Conference on Implantable Auditory Prosthesis, Lake Tahoe-CA, USA.
Jiwani S, Tanaka S, Papsin BC, and Gordon KA. (May 2013). Long durations of deafness and use of sign language do not promote auditory development in adolescents who are unilateral cochlear implant users. Percy Ireland Day, University of Toronto, Department of Otolaryngology, Toronto – ON
Jiwani S, Wong DDE, Papsin BC, and Gordon KA. (April 2013). Does a sensitive period exist for the development of the bilateral auditory pathways in cochlear implant users? American Academy of Audiology – Academy Research Conference, Anaheim-CA, USA. Podium
Osborn HA, Jiwani S, Osman H, Papaiannou V, Gordon KA, Cushing SL, Papsin BC, and James AL. (April 2013). An assessment of risk factors as a means of prognostication in auditory neuropathy spectrum disorders. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Arlington-VA, USA
Jiwani S, Papsin BC, and Gordon KA. (February 2013). Extensive areas of the cortex are evoked by stimulation from the newly implanted ear in children who were long-term unilateral cochlear implant users. Association for Research in otolaryngology 36th MidWinter Meeting, Baltimore-MD, USA
Jiwani S, Tanaka S, Papsin, BC, and Gordon KA. (October 2012). Auditory development after cochlear implantation in children who use sign language as their primary mode of communication. Canadian Academy of Audiology Conference, Ottawa – ON. Podium
Jiwani S, Papsin BC, and Gordon KA. (May 2012). The newly implanted ear evokes diffuse cortical activity in children who were long-term unilateral cochlear implant users. Percy Ireland Day, University of Toronto, Toronto – ON. Podium
Jiwani S, Papsin BC, and Gordon KA. (July 2011). Central auditory development after long-term cochlear implant use. 13th International Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Chicago – Illinois, USA
Jiwani S, Valero J, Jewell S, Papsin BC, and Gordon KA. (September 2010). Electrically evoked middle latency responses at initial bilateral cochlear implant use. 6th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, Washington University Medical Center, St. Louis – Missouri, USA
Awards and Honours:
Association for Research in Otolaryngology – Resident travel award for outstanding poster abstract
Triological Society Eastern Section resident research competition. Eastern Section Triologic – MD Resident Research Award
University of Toronto – Surgeon-Scientist Training Award
Ministry of Health – Clinician Investigator Program Scholarship
Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Annual Meeting – First place Poliquin National Resident Research Competition
21st Percy Ireland Annual Academic Day – Award for Best Paper for Research – Undertaken by a PGY-3 Resident during a clinical rotation
Wharton Head & Neck Award – Best paper in Head and Neck Oncology
Chapnik, Freeman and Friedberg Clinician Scientist Award
Triological Society Eastern Section Annual Resident Research Competition – First place winner for Best Podium Presentation
Triological Society Eastern Section Annual Resident Research Competition – Travel award
20th Percy Ireland Annual Academic Day – Award for Best Paper for Research – Undertaken by a PGY-2 Resident during a Clinical Rotation
Graduated with Honours, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Graduated with Great Distinction, Deans Honours List, McGill University
CIHR Skeletal Training Scholarship
NSERC scholarship
Selected Publications and Book Chapters:
Wolter NE, Harrison RV, James AL. Contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions: working towards a simple objective frequency specific test for hearing screening. Hearing Loss 1st Edition, 2011. Chapter 2. PP: 25-50. Editor: Sadaf Naz ISBN 979-953-307-271-4.
Wolter NE, Dell S, James AL, Campisi P. (2012) Middle ear ventilation in children with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Nov;76(11):1565-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2012.07.011. Abstract
Wolter NE, Wolter JK, Enepekides DJ, Irwin MS. (2012) Propranolol as a novel adjunctive treatment for head and neck squamous cell earcinoma. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012 Oct;41(5):334-44. Abstract
Pagnoux C and Wolter NE. (2012) Vasculitis of the upper airways. Swiss Med Wkly. 2012;142:w1354. Abstract
Wolter NE, Cushing SL, Das P, Papsin BC. (2011) Non-accidental caustic ear injury: Two cases of profound cochleo-vestibular loss and facial nerve injury. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 76(1):145-8 Abstract
Wolter NE, Ooi EH, Witterick I. (2010) Intralesional corticosteroid injection and dilatation provides effective management of subglottic stenosis in Wegener’s granulomatosis. The Laryngoscope. 2010, 120(12): 2452-2455. Abstract
Fuller E, Marotta TR, Chen JM, Willinsky RA, Bharatha A, O’Kelly C, Hochman JB, Howard P, Wolter NE, Symons SP (2009) Middle ear aneurysm treated with an Innovative, vessel preserving, aneurysm occluding stent. Laryngoscope. 2010 Apr;120(4):796-9. Abstract
Wolter NE, Wolter JK, Enepekides DJ, Irwin MS. Propranolol as a Novel Adjunctive Treatment for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 66th Annual Meeting Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, May 21, 2012, Toronto ON.
Wolter NE, Wolter JK, Enepekides DJ, Irwin MS. Propranolol as a Novel Adjunctive Treatment for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Annual Departmental 21st Percy Ireland Academic Day, May 4, 2012, Toronto ON.
Wolter NE, Dell S, James AL, Campisi. Middle Ear Ventilation in Children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, # 18379 2011 American Academy of Otolaryngology Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO, September 13, 2011, San Francisco, CA
Wolter NE, Harrison RV, James AL. Investigation of the Effect of the Acoustic Reflex on Contralateral Cochleotopic Frequency Specific Suppression of DPOAEs by Surgical Division of the Middle Ear Muscles.Triological Society Eastern Section Resident Research Forum, 2011, June 18, 2011, New York City, New York
Wolter NE, Harrison RV, James AL. Investigation of the Effect of the Acoustic Reflex on Contralateral Cochleotopic Frequency Specific Suppression of DPOAEs by Surgical Division of the Middle Ear Muscles.Annual Departmental 20th Percy Ireland Academic Day, May 6, 2011, Toronto ON
Wolter NE, Witterick I. Intralesional Corticosteroid Injection and Dilatation Provides Effective Management of Subglottic stenosis in Wegener’s Granulomatosis. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery May 10-13, 2009, Halifax NS
Wolter NE, Xiong W, Cohn S, Arbabi S, May A, Johnson J, Nathens A. Antimicrobial Utilization Practices and Wound Management in Patients with Intraabdominal Infections. 28th Annual Meeting of the Surgical Infection Society 2008, Hilton Head SC, USA
Wolter NE, Anderson J. Polysomnography as a predictive tool for assessing decannulation readiness in adults. Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings, April 18-22, 2012, San Diego California.
Parvaneh was an M.Sc. candidate in the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto. She joined the Cochlear Implant Lab in 2011. She holds a Bachelor of Sciences in Audiology from Iran University of Medical Sciences. She had over nine years of experience in clinical audiology and programming of cochlear implant devices in Iran. She mentored several audiologists for newly launched Cochlear Implant Centres in Iran.Parvaneh’s research focused on the asymmetric auditory function in children who used one cochlear implant for many years prior to receiving the second implant in the opposite ear.
Awards and Honours:
2012 – Travel grant, School of Graduate Studies (SGS), University of Toronto, Canada
2011 – Travel Award for the best abstract, SENTAC conference, Kansas City, United States
2010 – TUMS CI Centre Award for writing educational curriculum, Tehran, Iran
2002 – Best Lecture Award, The 4th Audiology Congress, Tehran, Iran
1999 – Best Poster Award, Audiology Seminar, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Pourjavid A, Adel Ghahraman M, Emamjome H, Sedaie M, Farhadi M, Daneshi A, Motesadi Zarandi M, Momedshahi F, Abbasalipour P. Evaluation of the electrically evoked action potential threshold changes in three months after receiving the device in children with cochlear implant. Audiol. (2009),17 (2):1-8
Motasaddi Zarandi M, Abbasalipour P, Borghei H, Khorsandi MT, Moubedshahi F. Alteration to electrode impedance values in response to electrical stimulation in the first mapping session of children using Clarion cochlear implant. Mediteranian Journal of otology. (2009), 5(3):361-364
Emamjomeh H, Shafaghat L, Abbassalipour ., Hassanzadeh S, Alaeddini F, Farhadi M, Daneshi A. Blink Reflex and Auditory Speech Perception in Prelingually Cochlear-Implanted Children. Acta Otolaryngol. (2005),125 (4):358-62
Daneshi A, Hassanzadeh S, Abasalipour P, Emamjomeh H, Farhadi M. Cochlear Implantation in Mondini Dysplasia. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. (2003),65(1):39-44
Daneshi A, Farhadi M, Asghari A, Emamjomeh H, Abbasalipour P, Hasanzadeh S. Three familial cases of Michel’s aplasia. (2002), 23(3): 346-348
Selected Lectures:
December 2012. Cochlear implant laboratory, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
January 2012. Cochlear implant laboratory, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
November 2010. The 12th international congress of Iranian society of otolaryngology, head and neck surgery. Tehran, Iran.
February 2009. The 8th Audiology congress, Iran Medical Sciences University, Tehran, Iran
June 2003. Montreal neurological institute (MNI). McGill University. Montreal, Canada.
April 2002. The 1st international symposium on cochlear implant and related sciences. Tehran, Iran
Selected Posters:
April 2012. The 12th international conference on cochlear implants and other implantable auditory technologies. Baltimore. United States.
May 2010. The 10th European symposium on paediatric cochlear implantation. Athena, Greece.
May 2008. The 7th Audiology congress, Tehran, Iran.
Michael is a M.Sc. candidate in the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto. He joined the Cochlear Implant Lab in 2011 after completing his B.Sc. in Human Biology at the University of Toronto in 2008.Michael’s current research focuses on the development of binaural processing in children who receive simultaneously implanted bilateral cochlear implants. He is particularly interested in how these children use binaural cues to localize sound and detect speech in noise. Using electrophysiological and neuroimaging techniques, he also examines how the cortical responses of these children change in response to changes in binaural sound cues.
Awards and Honours:
Graduate student travel award for outstanding poster abstract, American Academy of Audiology
Institute of Medical Science Entrance Award, University of Toronto
Trainee Travel Award, The Hospital for Sick Children
Peer-reviewed Conference Lectures:
Deighton M, Papsin BC, Gordon KA (2011). Speech Detection in Noise in Children Receiving Bilateral Cochlear Implants Simultaneously. 39th Annual Meeting for the Society for Ear, Nose, and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC), Kansas City-MO, USA.
Gordon KA, Wong DDE, Papsin BC. (2013) Bilateral input protects the cortex from unilaterally driven reorganization in children who are deaf, Brain, 136(5): 1609-25. Abstract
Papsin BC, Wong DD, Hubbard BJ, Cushing SL, Gordon KA. (2011) Exploring the relationship between head anatomy and cochlear implant stability in children. Cochlear Implants InternationalSuppl 1: S14-18. Abstract.
Gordon KA, Wong DDE, Valero J, Jewell S, Yoo P, Papsin BC, (2011) Use it or lose it?:lLessons learned from the developing brains of children who are deaf and use cochlear implants to hear, Brain Topography, 24(3-4): 204-219. Abstract.
Gordon KA, Tanaka S, Wong DDE, Stockley T, Jewell SF, Brown T, Papsin BC. (2011) Multiple effects of childhood deafness on cortical activity in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants simultaneously, Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(4): 823-33. [CIHR #MOP-97924]. Abstract.
Papsin BC, Wong DDE, Hubbard BJ, Cushing SL, Gordon KA. (2011) Exploring the relationship between head anatomy and cochlear implant stability in children, Cochlear Implant International 12(Suppl): S14-18. Abstract.
Gordon KA, Wong DDE, Papsin BC. (2010) Cortical function in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants simultaneously or after a period of inter-implant delay, Otology & Neurotology 31(8): 1293-1299 [#MOP-97924] Abstract.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. (2009) Beamformer suppression of cochlear implant artifacts in electroencephalography data, IEEE, Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, 56(12): 2851-2857. [CIHR #MOP-97924]. Abstract.
Gordon KA, Tanaka S, Wong DDE, Papsin BC. (2008) Characterizing responses from auditory cortex in young people using cochlear implants, Clinical Neurophysiology, 119(10): 2347-2362. Abstract.
Wong DDE. (2008). Development of a time-restricted region-suppressed ER-SAM beamformer and its application to an auditory evoked field study. University of Toronto, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Master’s Thesis.
Shaw JE, Oreopoulos J, Wong D, Hsu JCY, Yip CM. (2006). Coupling evanescent-wave fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy with scanning probe microscopy: challenges and insights from TIRF-AFM. Surface and Interface Analysis, 38 (11), 1459-1471.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Binaural processing is abnormal in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants. Poster presentation at 2011 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, CA, July 24-29.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Hemispheric lateralization of cortical responses in children using bilateral cochlear implants. Poster presentation at 2011 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, CA, July 24-29.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Binaural processing is abnormal in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants. Poster presentation at 2011 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, CA, July 24-29.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Hemispheric lateralization of cortical responses in children using bilateral cochlear implants. Poster presentation at 2011 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, CA, July 24-29.
Wong DDE. (2010) Hemispheric lateralization of cortical responses in children using bilateral cochlear implants. Percy Ireland Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Wong DDE, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Functional neuroimaging of evoked potentials in bilaterally implanted cochlear implant user, 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 2009.
Wong DDE, Papsin BC. Gordon KA. Effects of unilateral deprivation in development measured using electrophysiology. Invited speaker presentation at the 8th International Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, Toronto, Canada, October 15-18, 2014.
Gordon KA, Jiwani S, Wong DDE, Papsin BC. Does unilateral cochlear implant use promote cortical development at the expense of pathways from the unstimulated ear?, Oral presentation, 1st Global Otology Research Forum, Antalya, Turkey, November 13.
Wong DDE, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Binaural integration is abnormal in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants sequentially, Poster presentation 2846, Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, WA, June
Jiwani S, Wong DDE, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Does a sensitive period exist for the development of the bilateral auditory pathways In cochlear implant users?, American Academy of Audiology’s Academy Research Conference, Podium presentation, Anaheim, CA, April 3.- abstract ranked #1
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Binaural processing is abnormal in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants. Poster presentation at 2011 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, CA, July 24-29.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Hemispheric lateralization of cortical responses in children using bilateral cochlear implants. Poster presentation at 2011 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, CA, July 24-29.
Papsin BC, Hubbard B, Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Improved retentive capacity of the supercranial pocket using a Nucleus device with a pedestal, Oral presentation for 13th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Chicago, IL, July 14-16.
Wong DDE, Hubbard B, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Cochlear implant positioning and the effect on device contact with supporting surfaces, Oral presentation for 13th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Chicago, IL, July 14-16.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Binaural processing is abnormal in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants sequentially, Poster presentation, Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada. June 25-29.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA, Cochlear implant use stimulates non-auditory areas of the brain in some children, Poster presentation, Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada. June 25-29.
Hubbard BJ, Wong DDE, Cushing SL, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Characterization of retentive capacity of the subpericranial pocket in children, Oral presentation: 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, May 12-15, Athens, Greece. B081 in International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 75: 25.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA. Beamformer neural source localization of CAEPs in cochlear implant users, Poster presentation: Objective Measures in Auditory Implants – 6th International Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, September 22-25 – won Student Travel Award
Wong DDE, Papsin BC, Gordon KA, Functional Neuroimaging of Evoked Potentials in Bilaterally Implanted Cochlear Implant Users, , 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 2009.
Wong DDE, Gordon KA, Functional neuroimaging of evoked potentials in bilaterally implanted cochlear implant users, Poster presentation, MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 14-19, 2009, Baltimore, ML
Wong D, Harrison R.V, Gordon KA. Reconstruction of coherent sources for magnetoencephalography beamforming. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Poster presentation at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Phoenix, AZ, February 16-21, 2008
Cushing SL, Papsin BC, James AL, Blaser SL, Wong A, Gordon K.A. Progression of labyrinthine ossification in the contralateral ear of children with meningitis and unilateral cochlear implantation. Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advances in Children, Milwaukee, November 2007.
Daniel Wong, Best presentation by Fellows and Graduate Students, Percy Ireland Research Day
Daniel Wong, Ontario Graduate Student, Government of Ontario
Daniel Wong, Student Travel Award for outstanding Poster Abstrchlear Implantation, St. Louis, MO
Daniel Wong, Top Presentation Award, Best presentation by Fellows and Graduate Students, Percy Ireland Research Day
Daniel Wong, Ontario Graduate Student, Government of Ontario
Dan Wong, Studentship Award (for outstanding abstract), 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children,, Seattle, WA
Daniel Wong, SickKids Research Training Centre Travel Award
Gordon KA, Tanaka S, Wong DDE, Stockley T, Jewell SF, Brown T, Papsin BC. (2011) Multiple effects of childhood deafness on cortical activity in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants simultaneously, Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(4): 823-33. [CIHR #MOP-97924]. Abstract
Gordon KA, Tanaka S, Wong DD, Papsin BC. (2008). Characterizing responses from auditory cortex in young people with several years of cochlear implant experience. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119 (10), 2347-2362. Abstract.
Gordon KA, Tanaka S, Papsin BC. (2005) Atypical cortical responses underlie poor speech perception in children using cochlear implants. Neuroreport, 16 (18), 2041-2055. Abstract.
Conferences, Presentations and Symposiums:
2011 – Yoo P, Jewell S, Tanaka S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Cortical responses over the first year of simultaneous bilateral cochlear implant use in children, Oral presentation for 13th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Chicago, IL, July 14-16.
2010 – Gordon KA, Tanaka S, Papsin BC. Effects of GJB-2 mutations on cortical activity in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants simultaneously, Oral presentation, 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, June 30 – July 3, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
2009 – Tanaka S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Cortical responses in children using bilateral cochlear implants, 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 2009.
2009 – Tanaka S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Development of the auditory cortex in children with bilateral cochlear implants, Poster presentation, MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 14-19, 2009, Baltimore, ML
2005 – Gordon KA, Tanaka S, Papsin BC. Apical cortical activity is associated with poor speech perception in children with cochlear implants. Poster presentation at the 2005 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California. – Received a “New Investigator Award”.
Sho Tanaka, Studentship Award (for outstanding abstract), 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA
Sho Tanaka, Ubukata Studentship Award, University of Toronto
Sho Tanaka, Shinkikai Studentship Award, Toronto, ON
Sho Tanaka, SickKids Research Training Centre Travel Award
Sho Tanaka, Ubukata Studentship Award, University of Toronto
Patrick was an M.Sc. candidate in the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto. He first joined the Gordon lab in 2010 while completing his BM ScH in Physiology at the University of Western Ontario. Patrick’s graduate research project examined cortical responses of paediatric cochlear implant users. His focus dealt with the initial differences in the responses between unilaterally and simultaneously implanted children, and also how those responses developed over time.
- Gordon KA, Wong DDE, Valero J, Jewell SF, Yoo P, Papsin BC. Use it or lose it? lessons learned from the developing brains of children who are deaf and use cochlear implants to hear. Brain Topogr. 2011; 24(3-4):204-19.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Lectures:
Yoo P, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Cortical responses over the first year of simultaneous bilateral cochlear implant use in children (group analysis). Percy Ireland Day, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Yoo P, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. Cortical responses over the first year of simultaneous bilateral cochlear implant use in children (individual analysis). 13th Annual Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children, Chicago, IL.
Awards and Honours:
2010 – Institute of Medical Science Entrance Award, University of Toronto
Her research interests while she was in Archie’s Cochlear Implant Lab (2013-2014) included speech and music emotion identification in CI kids.
2012 CRS Amplifon Award – First place winner for the Best Postgraduate ENT Thesis 2012 (“Proposal for a new Telephone Map for unilaterally implanted cochlear implant patients”)
Postgraduate with Honours in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy
VI “D’Ascanio” Award – First place winner for the Best Undergraduate ENT Thesis 2007 (“Role of auditory brain function assessment by SPECT in cochlear implant side selection”).
Graduated with Honours, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy
Di Nardo W, Giannantonio SS, Di Giuda D, De Corso E, Schinaia L, Paludetti G. Role of auditory brain function assessment by SPECT in cochlear implant side selection. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital, 2013;33:23-8. Abstract
Di Nardo W, Anzivino R. Giannantonio S, Schinaia L, Paludetti G. The effects of cochlear implantation on quality of life in the elderly. European Archives Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2014 Jan;271(1):65-73. doi: 10.1007/s00405-013-2396-1. Epub 2013 Feb 15. PMID: 23411946 Abstract
Picciotti PM, Giannantonio SS, Paludetti G, Conti G. Steady state auditory evoked potentials in normal hearing subjects: evaluation of threshold and testing time. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2012, 20;74:310-314. Abstract
Di Nardo W, Giannantonio S, Schinaia L, De Corso E, Paludetti G. Non-invasive management of cochlear implant’s inner magnet displacement after magnetic resonance: a case report. Laryngoscope. 2013 Mar;123(3):783-6. doi: 10.1002/lary.23668. Epub 2012 Oct 19. Abstract
Scorpecci A, Zagari F, Mari G, Giannantonio SS, D’Alatri L, Di Nardo W, Paludetti G. Investigation on the music perception skills of Italian children with cochlear implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2012, 76:1507-14. Abstract
Galli J, Giannantonio S, Paludetti G. Late complication of tracheostomy: larynx-shaped reorganization of the tracheal rings or the true larynx? Surgical Science. 2012, 3(1):56-58.
Di Nardo W, Scorpecci A, Giannantonio S, Paludetti G. Safe use of bipolar radiofrequency induced thermotherapy (RFITT) for nasal surgery in patients with cochlear implants. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2011, 38:739-42. Abstract
Di Nardo W, Cattani P, Scorpecci A, Giannantonio S, D’Onghia S, Fadda G, Paludetti G. Cytomegalovirus DNA retrieval in the inner ear fluids of a congenitally deaf child one month after primary infection: a case report. Laryngoscope, 2011;121(4):828-30. Abstract
Di Nardo W, Scorpecci A, Giannantonio S, Cianfrone F, Paludetti G. Improving melody recognition in cochlear implant recipients through individualized frequency map fitting. European Archives Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2011, 268(1):27-39. Abstract
Cadoni G, Scorpecci A, Cianfrone F, Giannantonio S, Paludetti G, Lippa S. Serum fatty acids and cardiovascular risk factors in sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL). a case-control study. Journal Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2010;119:82-8. Abstract
Di Nardo W, Cianfrone F, Scorpecci A, Giannantonio S, Parrilla C, Paludetti G. Speech understanding in background noise by cochlear implant patients: effects of the mismatch between electrode-assigned frequencies and pitch. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 2010, 5:1-7.
Di Nardo W, Scorpecci A, Cantore I, Cianfrone F, Giannantonio S, Paludetti G. Transtympanic electrical stimulation for immediate and long-term tinnitus suppression. The International Tinnitus Journal, 2009, 15: 100-6. Abstract
Di Nardo W, Cattani P, Lopizzo T, Cianfrone F, Cantore I, Marchese MR, Marchetti S, Scorpecci A, Giannantonio S, Fadda G, Paludetti G. Multiple viral genome search In endolabyrinthic fluids of profoundly deaf patients: possible Cmv intracochlear reactivation. Audiology And Neurotology, 2009, 14: 290-5. Abstract
Di Nardo W, Marchese MR, Cianfrone F, Scorpecci A, Giannantonio S, Paludetti G. Electric to acoustic pitch matching: a possible way to improve individual cochlear implant fitting. European Archives Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2008, 265; 1321-1328. Abstract
Crawford MW, White MC, Propst EJ, Zaarour C, Cushing S, Pehora C, James AL, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. (2009) Dose-dependent suppression of the electrically elicited stapedius reflex by general anesthetics in children undergoing cochlear implant surgery. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 108(5): 1480-1487. Abstract.
Trimble K, Rosella LC, Propst EJ, Gordon KA, Papaioannou V, Papsin BC. (2009) Speech perception outcome in multiply disabled children following cochlear implantation: Investigating a predictive score. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology , 9(8): 602-11, quiz 651. Abstract.Propst EJ, Harrison RV, Gordon KA, Papsin BC, Blaser S, Stockley T. (2007) In Reference to Temporal Bone Imaging in GJB2 Deafness. Laryngoscope, 117(6):1127-1129. [HFC].
Propst EJ, Blaser S, Harrison RV, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. (2006) Temporal Bone Imaging in GJB2 Deafness. Laryngoscope, 116(12): 2178-2186. [HFC]. Abstract.
Propst EJ, Papsin BC, Stockley T, Harrison RV, Gordon KA. (2006) Auditory responses in cochlear implant users with and without GJB2 deafness. Laryngoscope, 116(2):317-27. Abstract.
Propst EJ, Blaser S, Gordon KA, Harrison RV, Papsin BC. (2005) Temporal bone findings on computed tomography imaging in branchio-oto-renal syndrome. Laryngoscope, 115(10):1855-1862. Abstract.
Propst EJ, Papsin BC, Gordon KA, Stockley TL, Harrison RV. (2005) Ethnicity and mutations in GJB2 (Connexin 26) and GJB6 (Connexin 30) in a multi-cultural Canadian paediatric Cochlear Implant Program. International Journal of Paediatric Otolaryngology, 2006 Mar;70(3):435-44. Abstract.
Propst EJ, Gordon KA, Harrison RV, Abel SM, Papsin BC. (2002) Sound frequency discrimination in normal-hearing listeners and cochlear implant users. University of Toronto Medical Journal, 79(2); 100-106.
Gordon KA, Toor G, Salloum CA, van Hoesel R, Papsin BC. (2012) Binaural interactions develop in the auditory brainstem of children who are deaf: effects of place and level of bilateral stimulation, J. Neuroscience, 32(12):4212-23. [CIHR- #MOP-89804] Abstract.
Gordon KA, Chaikof MH, Salloum C, Goulding G, Papsin BC. (2012) Toward a method for programming balanced bilateral cochlear implant stimulation levels in children. Cochlear Implant International – published online Feb 2. [CIHR- #MOP-89804].Salloum C, Valero J, Papsin BC, van Hoesel R, Gordon KA. (2010) Lateralization of inter-implant timing and level differences in children who use bilateral cochlear implants. Ear and Hearing, 31(4):441-56. Abstract.
Conferences, Presentations and Posters:
2009 – Salloum C, Valero J, van Hoesel R, Papsin BC, Gordon KA., Towards a method of balancing level for bilateral CIs in children, 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 2009.
2009 – Salloum C, Papsin BC, van Hoesel R, Gordon KA. Lateralization of inter-implant level and timing differences in children with sequential bilateral cochlear implants, Poster presentation, MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 14-19, 2009, Baltimore, ML
2008 – Valero J, Salloum C, Papsin BC, van Hoesel R, Gordon KA. Effects of inter-implant time differences on the binaural difference response in children using bilateral cochlear implants, Poster presentation at the 10th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Auditory Technologies, San Diego, April 10-12, 2008
2008 – Salloum C, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. The effect of intensity on binaural processing in the auditory brainstem of children who use bilateral cochlear implants, Poster presentation at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Phoenix, AZ, February 16-21, 2008
2007 – Salloum C, Valero J, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Effects of stimulus intensity on binaural processing in children using 2 different cochlear implants, Oral presentation, Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advances in Children, Milwaukee, November 2007.
2004 – Gordon KA, Salloum C, Hasek D, Papsin BC. Do Children Using Cochlear Implants Hear Loudness? Oral presentation at the Annual convention of the Society of Ear Nose and Throat Advances in Children, Toronto, Ontario
2009 – Claire Salloum, SickKids Research Training Centre Travel Award
Chadha NK, Papsin BC, Jiwani S, Gordon KA. (2011) Speech detection in noise and spatial unmasking in children with simultaneous versus sequential bilateral cochlear implants, Otology &Neuro-Otology – 32(7): 1057-64. Abstract.
Holler T, Campisi P, Chadha N, Allegro J, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. (2010) Abnormal voicing in children using cochlear implants. Archives of Otolaryngology, 136(1): 17-21. Triological Society, Resident Research Award. Abstract.
Chadha NK, James AL, Gordon KA, Blaser S, Papsin BC. (2009) Bilateral implantation in children with anomalous cochleovestibular anatomy. Archives in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 135(9): 903-9. [CIHR/SickKids #XG07-020R]. Abstract.
Chadha NK, Gordon KA, James AL, Papsin BC. (2009) Tinnitus is prevalent in children with cochlear implants. Int J Ped Otorhinolaryngol , 73(5): 671-675. Abstract.
Chadha NK, Gordon KA, Papsin BC. (2008) Cochlear implantation in infants and children: the roles and potential benefits of early detection, early implantation, and bilateral surgery. VII IAPO Manual of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology [Ed: T Sih] 2008; pp249-54, ISBN: 978-85-60209-05-7.
Conferences and meetings:
2009 Gordon KA, Chadha N, Papsin BC. Benefits of short inter-implant delays in children receiving bilateral cochlear implants, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, July 13-17, 2009, Lake Tahoe, CA
2009 Chadha N, Papsin BC, Gordon KA,Children with simultaneous bilateral cochlear implants detect speech in noise better than children with sequential implants, 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 2009.
2009 Chadha Neil, Studentship Award (for outstanding abstract), 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants in Children, Seattle, WA
2008 Chadha NK, Gordon KA, James AL, Papsin BC, Prevalence of tinnitus in children with cochlear implants. Oral presentation Annual Meeting for Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advances in Children, Boston, MA, December 4-7, 2008.
2009 Chadha NK, James AL, Gordon KA, Blaser S, Papsin BC, Bilateral cochlear implants in children with anomalous cochleas, Oral presentation, American Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, 22nd-25th May 2009.
2009 Holler T, Allegro J, Chadha NK, Gordon KA, Papsin BC, Campisi P., Effects of bilateral cochlear implantation on acoustic voice parameters, Oral presentation, American Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, 22nd-25th May 2009.
Gordin A, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. (2010) Packing of the cochleostomy site affects auditory nerve response thresholds in pre-curved array cochlear implants. Otol Neurotol, 31(2):204-9. Abstract.
Gordin A, Papsin BC, James A, Gordon KA.. (2009). Evolution of cochlear implant arrays results in changes to behavioral and physiological responses in children. Otol Neurotol., 30(7):908-915. Abstract.
Ramsden J, Papaioannou V, Gordon KA, James AL, Papsin BC. (2010) Parental and program’s decision making In paediatric simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation: who says no and why? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2009 Oct;73(10):1325-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2009.05.001. Abstract.
Ramsden J, Gordon KA, Leung R, James A, Papsin B. (2009) Bilateral simultaneous cochlear implantation in children: our first 50 cases. Laryngoscope, 119(12):2444-8. [CIHR/SickKids #XG07-020R]. Abstract.
Davids T, Ramsden JD, Gordon KA, James AL, Papsin BC. (2009) Soft tissue complications after small incision pediatric cochlear implantation. Laryngoscope, 119(5): 980-983. Abstract.
Stephanie Jewell graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours B.Sc. in Psychology in 1999. She joined the Cochlear Implant Lab in 2007 as a Clinical Research Project Coordinator. Stephanie was directly involved daily in testing of cochlear implant users, coordinating Health Canada and FDA clinical trials and database management.
Awards and Honours:
- 2012 – SickKids Clinical Research Award
1. writing software to deliver stimuli and process signals for CI experiments
2. supporting lab members in their stimulus delivery, data processing, and analysis tasks, and
3. designing and building audio-processing circuitry.
Alex’s general research interests are biomedical and rehabilitation engineering, with a focus on cochlear implants, classification techniques and optimization (e.g., prosthesis control), algorithm development (e.g.,heart rate from noisy PPG, EMG onset), and writing easy-to-use software for biosignal processing and analysis (
Alex completed his M.Sc.Eng. in electrical engineering and B.Sc.(Eng.) in engineering physics at Queen’s University, where he focused on the design and development of an effective finger movement classification system using myoelectric signals. When not at the lab, he enjoys biking around Toronto and being an active member of the city’s music scene.
Valero J, Blaser S, Papsin BC, James AL, Gordon KA. Electrophysiologic and behavioural outcomes of cochlear implantation in children with auditory nerve hypoplasia. Ear Hear. 2012 Jan-Feb;33(1):3-18. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0b013e3182263460. [Epub ahead of print]. Abstract.
Gordon KA, Wong DD, Valero J, Jewell SF, Yoo P, Papsin BC. Use it or lose it? lessons learned from the developing brains of chidren who are deaf and use cochlear implants to hear. Brain Topogr. 2011 Oct;24(3-4):204-19. doi: 10.1007/s10548-011-0181-2. Epub 2011 Apr 11. Review. Abstract.
Salloum C, Valero J, Papsin BC, van Hoesel R, Gordon KA. (2010) Lateralization of inter-implant timing and level differences in children who use bilateral cochlear implants, Ear and Hearing, 31(4):441-56. [CIHR- #MOP-89804]. Abstract.
Gordon KA, Valero J, Jewell SF, Ahn J, Papsin BC. (2010) Auditory development in the absence of hearing in infancy. NeuroReport, 21(3): 163-7. [CIHR- #MOP-89804]. Abstract.