Our research through the eyes of the microscope

Fetal rat lung organoid with beating motion in centre indicating ciliated cells.
Sox9+ progenitor cells (green) and proliferating cells (pink) in fetal rat lungs.
Bronchus in fetal rat lungs surrounded by smooth muscle (green).
Sox9+ progenitor cells (green) and proliferating cells (pink) in fetal rat lungs.
Sox2+ and Sox9+ progenitor cells in fetalĀ ratĀ lungs.
Vessel and bronchus in fetal rat lungs.
Sox2+ progenitor cells marking proximal fetal lung epithelium.
Co-stain of SMA (red) and eNOS (green) to identify vessels in fetal rat lungs.
Sox9+ progenitor cells marking distal fetal lung epithelium.
TUNEL stain (yellow) of fetal rat lung explant.