What are the goals of this research study?

The goals of this study are to assess the severity of brain injury using brain imaging, specifically the CT scan, early after injury by:

  1. determining the location of injury in the brain, and
  2. using a mathematical technique to quantify the severity of injury based on imaging characteristics

We have named this method QBIct for Quantifying Brain Injury on Computed Tomography.

You/Your child can participate in this study if you/they:

  • are less than 18 years of age,
  • have experienced a mild, moderate, or severe traumatic brain injury,
  • have been admitted to the hospital less than one week after the traumatic brain injury, and
  • have had a head CT scan done as part of routine care.

Benefits for you/your child:

Participants in this study will be provided with a certificate of participation and a written summary of the functional assessment to keep in their records.

Benefits for society: 

This research study will help doctors and researchers across Canada by providing a more specific way to look at traumatic brain injuries in children. An early understanding of the type and severity of brain injury can help doctors with diagnosis and treatment planning.