Current Staff


Picture of Ashley Danguecan
head shot of Busi Zapparoli


Picture of Lawrence Ng


head shot of Oscar Mwizerwa
Picture of Justine Ledochowski
headshot of Diana Valdes Cabrera

Research Coordinators

Picture of Paris Moaf
Picture of Asha Jeyanathan

Research Assistants

Picture of Joanna Law
Picture of Stephanie Fevrier
head shot of louise boulard

Students & Volunteers

Headshot of Isabella Zaffino
headshot of Jasmine Jing

Lab Alumni

  • Tala El Tal
  • Ibrahim Mohamed
  • Santiago Arciniegas
  • Sondos Ayyash
  • Sona Sandhu
  • Olivia Hendrikx
  • Luana Flores Pereira
  • Victora Lishak