Rebecca Mok – Graduate Student, 2012-2020

Rebecca Mok graduated from the Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences Program at McMaster University. Her undergraduate thesis involved high-throughput antimicrobial screening to find synergistic small molecule combinations.

Her graduate project in the Ellis lab focused on developing a platform for personalized drug discovery using iPS cell-derived Rett syndrome patient neurons.

Next position: Stem cell engineer.


Selected Publications

Mok R.S.F., W. Zhang, T.I. Sheikh, K. Pradeepan, I.R. Fernandes, L.C. DeJong, G. Benigno, M.R. Hildebrandt, M. Mufteev, D.C. Rodrigues, W. Wei, A. Piekna, J. Liu, A.R. Muotri, J.B. Vincent, L. Muller, J. Martinez-Trujillo, M.W. Salter and J. Ellis. 2022. Wide spectrum of neuronal and network phenotypes in human stem cell-derived excitatory neurons with Rett syndrome-associated MECP2 mutationsTranslational Psychiatry, 12:450.

Ross, P.J.+, W. Zhang+, R.S.F. Mok, K. Zaslavsky, E. Deneault, L. D’Abate, D.C. Rodrigues, R.K.C. Yuen, M. Faheem, M. Mufteev, A. Piekna, W. Wei, P. Pasceri, R.J. Landa, A. Nagy, B. Varga, M.W. Salter, S.W. Scherer and J. Ellis. 2020. Synaptic Dysfunction in Human Neurons with Autism-Associated Deletions in PTCHD1-AS+Co-first authors. Biological Psychiatry 87:139-149.
Ross P.J.*, R.S.F. Mok, B.S. Smith, D.C. Rodrigues, M. Mufteev, S.W. Scherer and J. Ellis. 2020. Modeling neuronal consequences of autism-associated gene regulatory variants with human induced pluripotent stem cells. *Corresponding author. Molecular Autism 11:33.