Mandy Lo – PhD Student, 2005-2012

Mandy Lo completed her B.Sc. at the University of Toronto. She is studying the subnuclear localization of transgenes in embryonic stem cells.

Lo was notorious for her inexhaustible supply of yummy snacks and goodies generously shared at lab meetings, but kept far away from her lab bench, of course.

Funded by SickKids Restracomp and CIHR Doctoral Award.

Next Position
Intern at Health Canada


Selected Publications
Lo M.Y.M., S Rival-Gervier, P Pasceri, J Ellis. (2012) Rapid transcriptional pulsing dynamics of high expressing retroviral transgenes in embryonic stem cells. PLoS ONE. 7:e37130

Buzina A*, Lo MY*, Moffett A*, A Hotta , E Fussner, RR Bharadwaj,P Pasceri, JV Garcia-Martinez, DP Bazett-Jones, J Ellis. (2008) Beta-globin LCR and intron elements cooperate and direct spatial reorganization for gene therapy. *Equal first authors. PLOS Genetics. 4:e1000051.