Loryn Byres – Graduate Student, 2017-2020

Loryn Byres previously graduated from the Integrated Science program at McMaster University. Her undergraduate thesis investigated the dimerization capabilities of the nucleoid associating protein Lsr2 in Streptomyces venezuelae, and its role in regulating antibiotic production.

Her graduate project in the Ellis lab focused on identifying transcripts regulated by the RNA binding proteins TIA1 and HuC, that are coordinately regulated with MECP2 during neurodevelopment.

Next position: Genetic Counselling at UBC.

Selected Publication:

Byres L.P, M. Mufteev, K. Yuki, W. Wei, A. Piekna, M.D. Wilson, D.C. Rodrigues* and J. Ellis*. 2021. Identification of TIA-1 mRNA targets during human neuronal development*Co-corresponding authors. Molecular Biology Reports, 48:6349-6361