Leah DeJong – Graduate Student, 2017-2020

Leah DeJong previously received her HB.Sc. in Biology and Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University through the study of hemiclonal evolutionary genetics. Since then, she worked for several years as the Director of Grants and Funding at Business Improvement Group to help companies and academics access federal and provincial project financing.

In the Ellis lab, Leah focused on drug discovery and high-throughput screens for Rett syndrome patients through the analysis of iPS patient-derived neurons.

Next position: March of Dimes




Selected Publication

Mok R.S.F., W. Zhang, T.I. Sheikh, K. Pradeepan, I.R. Fernandes, L.C. DeJong, G. Benigno, M.R. Hildebrandt, M. Mufteev, D.C. Rodrigues, W. Wei, A. Piekna, J. Liu, A.R. Muotri, J.B. Vincent, L. Muller, J. Martinez-Trujillo, M.W. Salter and J. Ellis. 2022. Wide spectrum of neuronal and network phenotypes in human stem cell-derived excitatory neurons with Rett syndrome-associated MECP2 mutationsTranslational Psychiatry, 12:450.