Jiajie (Jane) Liu – Research Technician, 2018-2022

From: China/Toronto

Jane obtained her B.Sc. at Carleton University and M.Sc. at the University of Guelph. Her master thesis was focused on comparing plant-derived-omega 3 versus marine-based omega 3 on breast cancer development using HER-2 transgenic mouse model. By way of working in a variety of laboratory settings in university and Health Canada, Jane has gained hands-on experience in molecular biology/genetics and animal model based techniques.

In the Ellis lab Jane’s goal was to assist the trainees in maintaining iPS cell lines, adapting iPS cells through various differentiation protocols for the neuronal production and hepatocytes generation.

During her spare time, she likes cooking and meeting with new friends. On the basis of her nutrition background, Jane can tell you which nutrient is best for your meals.