Angela Moffett – M.Sc. Student, 2002-2005

Angela Moffett joined the lab after a B.Sc. from the University of Guelph and worked briefly with MDS Proteomics before joining the Ellis lab for her M.Sc. on HS3 beta/gamma globin transgene expression.

Funded by:  University of Toronto Open Masters Studentship.

Next position
York University business school


Selected Publications
Buzina A*, Lo MY*, Moffett A*, Hotta A, Fussner E, Bharadwaj RR, Pasceri P, Garcia-Martinez JV, Bazett-Jones DP, Ellis J. (2008) Beta-globin LCR and intron elements cooperate and direct spatial reorganization for gene therapy. *Equal first authors. PLOS Genetics.  4(4):e1000051.