The Ellis lab is located at the SickKids Research Institute in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SickKids is world-renowned for its research. It fosters training of post-doctoral fellows, graduate students and summer students through the activities of the SickKids Research Training Centre, which offers workshops and seminars intended to help guide trainees further in their careers.

The Ellis lab prides itself on a friendly work atmosphere, which we feel is conducive to the high quality of research we produce. Our lab members will train in a collaborative environment and be mentored for future positions in the best laboratories in their chosen field.

If interested in applying, please send curriculum vitae and names of three referees to Dr. James Ellis’ administrative assistant with attention to Dr. James Ellis.


PLEASE NOTE: Currently, the Ellis lab is ACTIVELY RECRUITING 2 Post-Doctoral Fellows with expertise in RNA Biology, stem cells, neuroscience or cardiovascular disease.


Postdoctoral Research

Post-doctoral positions will be available for candidates with a strong background in gene regulation, stem cells and their differentiation, disease modeling or drug screening. Positions are for an initial two-year term with the possibility of renewal.


Graduate Research

Potential graduate students are encouraged to apply to the Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto. Once accepted, graduate students perform short rotations in three labs before their final lab choice is made.


Expectations and Scientific Advice for Trainees
PGCRL Building

For more information or to send an application, please contact:

Ms. Tirhas Okubazghi

Research Administrative Co-Ordinator

686 Bay Street, 16.9801 – U3E

Toronto, ON M5G 0A4, Canada
