Ugljesa Djuric – PhD Student, 2007-2014
Ugljesa Djuric, known as Ugi, obtained his M.Sc. from McGill University working on the genetics and epigenetics of hydatiform moles. In the Ellis lab, Djuric studied epigenetic pathways involved in chromatin restructuring during reprogramming and MECP2 molecular mechanisms in Rett syndrome disease models.
When not precipitating chromatin, Djuric liked to precipitate himself down snow-covered mountains on the west coast.
Funded by SickKids Restracomp and Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program.
Selected Publications
Djuric U., D.C. Rodrigues, I. Batruch, J. Ellis, P. Shannon and P. Diamandis. 2017. Spatiotemporal proteomic profiling of human cerebral development. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 16:1548-62.
Djuric U.+, A.Y.L. Cheung+, W. Zhang+, R.S. Mok, W. Lai, A. Piekna, J.A. Hendry, P.J. Ross, P. Pasceri, D.-S. Kim, M.W. Salter and J. Ellis. 2015. MECP2-e1 isoform mutation affects the form and function of neurons derived from Rett syndrome patient iPS cells. +Equal first authors. Neurobiology of Disease 76:37-45.
Fussner E, Strauss M, Djuric U, Li R, Ahmed K, Hart M, Ellis J, Bazett-Jones DP. (2012) Open and closed domains in the mouse genome are confirgured as 10-nm chromatin fibres. EMBO Reports. doi: 10.1038/embor.
Messaed C, Akoury E, Djuric U, Zeng J, Saleh M, Gilbert L, Seoud M, Qureshi S, Slim R. (2011) NLRP7, a nucleotide oligomerization domain-like reeptor protein, is required for normal cytokine secretion and co-localizes with Golgi and the microtubule-organizing center. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286(50):43313-23.
Fussner E, Djuric U, Strauss M, Hotta A, Perez-Iratxeta C, Lanner F, Dilworth FJ, Ellis J, Bazett-Jones DP. (2011) Constitutive heterochromatin reorganization during somatic cell reprogramming. EMBO Jounal. 30(9):1778-89.
Djuric U, Ellis J. (2010) Epigenetics of induced pluripotency, the seven-headed dragon. Stem Cell Research Therapy. 1(1):3.
Djuric U, El-Maarri O, Lamb B, Kuick R, Seoud M, Coullin P, Oldenburg J, Hanash S, Slim R. (2006) Familial molar tissues due to mutations in the inflammatory gene NALP7, have normal postzygotic DNA methylation. Human Genetics. 120(3):390-5.
Murdoch S, Djuric U, Mazhar B, Seoud M, Khan R, Kuick R, Bagga R, Kircheisen R, Ao A, Ratti B, Hanash S, Rouleau GA, Slim R. (2006) Mutations in NALP7 cause recurrent hydatidiform moles ad reproductive wastage in humans. Nature Genetics. 38(3):300-2.