Xiumei Wu – Research Technician, 1994-1997

Xiumei Wu received her M.Sc. from the University of Waterloo before taking over the retrovirus vector and globin transgene cloning responsibilities in the Ellis lab. She later took an opportunity to start practicing Chinese Traditional Medicine.

She had the most incredible knowledge of pressure points and massage techniques and liked to diagnose people by looking at their tongues.

Next position

Private practice in acupuncture and teaching at the Toronto School of Chinese Traditional Medicine.


Selected Publications:
Rubin J, Pasceri P, Wu X, Leboulch P, Ellis J. (2002) Locus control region activity by 5’HS3 requires a functional interaction with beta-globin gene regulatory elements: expression of novel beta/gamma-globin hybrid transgenes. Blood. 95:10 3242-3249.

Pasceri P, Pannell D, Wu X, Ellis J. (1998) Full activity from human beta-globin Locus Control Region transgenes requires 5’HS1, distal beta-globin promoter, and 3′ beta-globin sequences. Blood. 92:653-663.

Murdoch B, Pereira DS, Wu X, Dick JE, Ellis J. (1997) A rapid screening procedure for the identification of high titer retrovirus packaging cell clones. Gene Therapy. 4:744-749.

Ellis J, Pasceri P, Tan-Un KC, Wu X, Harper A, Fraser P, Grosveld F. (1997) Evaluation of beta-globin gene therapy constructs in single copy transgenic mice. Nucleic Acids Research. 15; 25(6): 1296-1302.