Title: Effects of screen use on sexual health attitudes, behaviours, and risks in canadian youth: a youth-led participatory action research cohort study

Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Role: Nominated Principal Investigator

Study summary: This project aims to explore the relationship between screen use and adolescent sexual health. We aim to understand how screen time (TV or digital media, video games, etc.) affects attitudes, behaviours, and risks related to adolescent sexual development. Alongside youth, we will examine if childhood screen use, including type and duration, are associated early age of initiation of sexual intercourse The study takes place within The Applied Research Group for Kids (TARGet Kids!), a Canadian primary care research network, using previously collected data. Adolescents (13-18 years) will complete a confidential questionnaire that was co-designed with youth. The survey information will provide insights into the effects of early childhood screen use on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, helping promote healthy sexuality and mitigate risky behaviour in adolescence.