
Our team facilitates our robust research

Zhenya Ivakine
Zhenya IvakinePrincipal Investigator
Dr. Evgueni (Zhenya) Ivakine is a scientist working to apply genome engineering tools and strategies to therapy development for genetic conditions, with a focus on childhood neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Dong-Kyu Kim
Dong-Kyu KimResearch Fellow
Dr. Kim obtained his PhD from Korea University, joining the Ivakine Lab in 2022 to further his interests in genetics and genome editing.
Patrice Chan
Patrice ChanResearch Fellow
Dr. Chan graduated from her PhD at the University of Hong Kong. Her project in the Ivakine Lab aims to characterize a MECP2 Duplication Syndrome mouse model and to develop a single-gRNA CRISPR Cas9 strategy for duplication removal based on this disease model.
Sneh Lata
Sneh LataResearch Fellow
Dr. Lata completed her PhD at the University of Delhi, India. She is currently working as postdoctoral research fellow in the Ivakine Lab, generating an iPSC model cell line for Niemann-Pick Type C disease mutations which will be used for the screening of potential therapeutics.
Toan Nguyen
Toan NguyenResearch Fellow
Dr. Nguyen received his PhD from Nanyang Technology University of Singapore. His broad research interests include molecular and genome biology, structural biology, and lipid metabolism. In the Ivakine Lab, Dr.Nguyen uses CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing to understand the biological variants of the NPC1 protein and exploring it at the molecular and genetic level.
Antonio Mollica Research Fellow
Daniel Rappaport
Daniel RappaportTechnologist
Daniel completed his undergraduate studies at Concordia University, with a specialization in Biology. He completed his graduate studies at Toronto Metropolitan University, with an M.Sc. in Molecular Science. Currently, Daniel is working with CRISPR-Cas9 saturation prime editing to introduce identified mutations present in the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene, modelling different variants of the disease ataxia telangiectasia (AT), and then describing the pathogenesis for each variant.
Hong Anh Truong
Hong Anh TruongTechnologist
Dr. Truong received her PhD in Biophysics from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She is currently working as a technologist in the Ivakine Lab and is responsible for supervising mice colonies and advising mice procedures.
Sydney Steiman Ph.D student
Sydney completed her Honours B. Sc. at the University of Waterloo in Biology and Philosophy. She completed her M. Sc. studying protein interactions at York University. She is currently pursuing a PhD in the Department of Physiology at the University of Toronto where she is working on linking tubulin proteins to ciliopathy diseases.
Reid Brewer
Reid BrewerTechnologist
Reid completed his B.Sc. at the University of Toronto in Human Genetics. He then completed his Masters in the Department of Physiology, at the University of Toronto, where he studied novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment Niemann-Pick Type C.
Lujaina Elbakr
Lujaina ElbakrM.Sc. Candidate
Lujaina completed a Specialized Honours Biomedical Sciences degree at York University for her undergraduate studies. She is currently pursuing a Masters in the Department of Physiology at the University of Toronto where she is working on characterizing a novel infantile Tay Sachs disease mouse model and interrogating CRISPR-mediated therapeutic strategies for TSD.
Georgiana Forguson
Georgiana ForgusonTechnologist
Georgiana completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, and completed her M.Sc. studying nematode neurobiology at McGill, where she focused on in vivo imaging. Apart from managing the lab, Georgiana works on mouse line characterization.
Joshua HungM.Sc. Candidate
Josh completed his Honours B.Sc. at the University of Toronto Mississauga in Biology and Political Science. In the Ivakine Lab, Josh is investigating therapeutic genome editing for the 1278insTATC mutation in Tay-Sachs disease.
Enzhe KhazeevaTechnologist
Eva Colic PhD Student
Mairead McEwenM.Sc. Student
Maya Klepfish Research co-op student
Emily Bell Research co-op student
Ameer AhmedCo-op Research Student
Ameer is a 5th year undergraduate student from McMaster University, majoring in Biochemistry. He is completing his second Co-op term in the lab, where he is working to comprehensively profile the effects of single nucleotide variants within the ATM gene, to drastically improve our understanding and diagnoses of Ataxia Telangiacatasia. Post-graduation, Ameer aims to pursue a PhD in Molecular biology.

Past lab members:

Ori Scott
PhD Student
Swadha Tewari
M.Sc. Student
Shagana Visuvanathan
Animal technologist
Cedric Happi-Mbakam
Research Fellow
Mehmet Cilek
Research Fellow
Katherine Matthew
Summer Student (2023)
Jana Abu-Alhaija
Summer Student (2023)
Connie Fierro
Summer Student (2023)
Nishtha Patel
Research Student

Find us

Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
686 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5G 0A4