Dr. Sonia Grandi (Senior Author) and PhD student Sabrina Chiodo (First Author) published “Emulating a Target Trial in Perinatal Pharmacoepidemiology: Challenges and Methodological Approaches”, an Invited Review in Current Epidemiology Reports which is currently in press.

The SickKids Research Institute Retreat was held on November 23, 2023 at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto. Congratulations to the IMPOWER Lab who tied for first place for the most posters submitted within CHES!

PhD student, Lauren Tailor’s research entitled “Validation study of an ASA prophylaxis variable for preeclampsia prevention” was selected as a Spotlight Poster Presentation at the 39th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE 2023) in Halifax, Nova Scotia – what a great accomplishment, Lauren!

PhD student, Sabrina Chiodo, received the Ontario graduate scholarship 2023–2024. Congratulations Sabrina!

SickKids Summer Research (SSuRe) student, Lucy Zhao presented her work at the SSuRe Symposium on August 16, 2023. The SSuRe program supports university students conducting research in a laboratory or clinical setting at SickKids under the supervision of a Research Institute scientist. 

Lucy is pictured presenting her poster entitled “Maternal hypothyroidism ​and cardiometabolic outcomes in offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis” – well done Lucy!

Lucy Zhao standing in front of her poster at the SSuRe Symposium

PhD student, Lauren Tailor, presented her project “ASA prophylaxis for pre-eclampsia prevention: validation within a large administrative dataset” as a poster at the first Annual Canadian Mother-Child Cohort Meeting at Congrès de l’Acfas in Montreal, Quebec.

Headshot of Lauren TailorPhD student, Lauren Tailor, presented her work “Validation study of an ASA prophylaxis variable for pre-eclampsia prevention” at the virtual Society for Perinatal and Pediatric Epidemiologic Research Student Symposium.

Lauren Tailor standing in front of her poster

PhD candidate, Lauren Tailor, in front of her poster entitled “Validation study of an aspirin (ASA) prophylaxis variable for preeclampsia prevention which previously won Best Poster!

Lucy Zhao standing in front of her poster

Research student, Lucy Zhao in front of her poster entitled “Maternal hypothyroidism and subsequent cardiometabolic outcomes in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis”.

Yanara Marks standing in front of her poster

Research coordinator, Yanara Marks in front of her poster entitled “Barriers and facilitators to using R for Health Technology Assessment: Focus Group Results”.

George Stefan standing in front of his poster

PhD candidate, George Stefan, in front of his poster entitled “Development and validation of a prediction model for 10-year risk of hypertension in women of reproductive age”.

Renee Fajardo standing in front of her poster

Research student, Renee Fajardo in front of her poster entitled “Adverse infant and childhood outcomes following maternal exposure to biologics for the treatment of autoimmune disorders: A systematic review”

Dr. Sonia Grandi and Sabrina Chiodo standing in front of her poster

SickKids Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Sonia Grandi with PhD candidate Sabrina Chiodo in front of her poster entitled “Methodological considerations for the design of target trials to estimate the safety and effectiveness of medications used in pregnancy