Who we are

The IMPOWER (Improving Maternal and Paediatric Outcomes With Epidemiological Research) Lab at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), led by Dr. Sonia Grandi, focuses on the short- and long-term influence of preconception and perinatal exposures on the health of mothers and children, with an emphasis on cardiometabolic health.

We are interested in the application of contemporary methods and leveraging administrative health data to help inform clinical practice.

Mission statement: Improving the health of children and mothers across the lifespan.

Research focus

Our research program is guided by three central themes:

  • How pregnancy complications, and the interventions designed to reduce those complications, impact the health of mothers and infants.

  • The safety and effectiveness of medications taken during pregnancy on the health of mothers and their children among women with chronic conditions.

  • Understanding inequities in the prevalence of severe maternal morbidity and mortality in women and strategies to identify women at highest risk.

Engaging patients

Focusing on patient-identified priorities and integrating their experiential knowledge into research.

Bridging the knowledge gap

Empowering patients and clinicians to make informed decisions.

Advancing evidence

Promoting the development, evaluation and systematic uptake of innovative evidence-informed interventions into clinical practice.

Funding sources

We gratefully acknowledge funding from the following organizations.

SickKids Foundation logo
CIHR logo

Our location

Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning (PGCRL)
686 Bay Street, Toronto, ON, M5G 0A4